chapter 17.

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Two weeks had passed since Theo died, I barely talked to anyone. The only people I talked to were Enzo, Fred and George. I still couldn't believe it, it felt so incredibly surreal.

It's weird texting Theo and not having him answer immediately and it's so weird not smelling his expensive cologne from a mile away.

I took it from his dorm and sprayed it on the teddy bear he bought me, it was the only way I could sleep without any nightmares. His scent comforted me on a level no one or nothing ever could.

It was time for his funeral. His parents had asked me to write an Eulogy, I accepted and I finished it on the day of the funeral. I wasn't sure if I would be able to read it, I could barely write it but I promised to myself I would try, for him.

I stepped on the podium and took in a shaky breath, my eyes wandered over to Enzo who gave me a soft smile despite the tears escaping his eyes.

I took another glance at the paper in front of me before I nodded and started to read it out loud "Hello Everyone" I gave the people a warm smile "For those of you who don't know me, my name is Ashley or as Theo used to call me, Ash. Theodore was a warm, kind, and compassionate person. I know people use this expression often when talking about someone they love "They could light up any room they entered" but let me tell you, Theo was the best at it. The only people he cared more about than his friends were his family. I want to thank him because if it weren't for him I wouldn't be the person I am today. Theo is and always will be my best friend, my brother and I'd like to remember him that way. Theo never gave me any idea I couldn't do whatever I wanted to do or be whoever I wanted to be. He was my ultimate inspiration and my biggest supporter. I will forever cherish every moment I had with him and I hope he rests easy." I looked up "I love you, Theo, Goodbye." I finished as the tears continuously escaped my eyes.

That made it feel so much more real, the pain in my chest was unbearable as I made my way back to my seat next to Enzo.

I leaned my head on his shoulder as we cried in silence "Now it is time to raise our wands in honor of Theodore Nott" his father spoke as everyone took out their wands and lifted them in the air, saying their final goodbyes

— — —

I entered Enzo's house along with him and our friends. Enzo's parents had invited Mrs. and Mr. Nott over so they wouldn't be alone, they accepted. Mrs. Nott entered Enzo's room as she spoke to me "Ashley dear" I sat up straighter "Yes?" I asked "I wanted to ask you for a favor." She sighed "Once you're ready, could you please help me clean his room? I couldn't possibly do it alone and I know how much he loved you. I'm sure he'd be glad it's you who is helping me" I didn't think it was a good idea for me to go inside his room but I couldn't possibly turn the poor woman down, her son, her only child just died, she needs someone close to her son to be there for her.

"Of course" I shot her a smile causing her to walk in and give me a hug "Thank you" she whispered "Of course" I hugged her back.

I spent the weekend with my friends, we needed each other more than anything. We barely talked, we slept most of the day but we were together and that's what mattered. Having my friends there made me feel 0.1% better.

My phone pinged, and I saw that it was a message from Fred. I hadn't seen him in way too long.

2:58 pm

Fred: You okay?

Ashley: No.

Fred: You feel like doing something?

Ashley: Not really

Fred: Will you just let me take you out? You can't be in the house all day, Ash. I promise you'll feel better

Ashley: I don't know Fred

Fred: Please

Ashley: Alright

Fred: Perfect, come to mine in 20 and we'll go from there.

Ashley: Okay see you.

Fred: See you

I said goodbye to my friends and apparated to the place the Weasleys had been living in until the burrow was built again.

Fred greeted me with a hug, and So did Molly, George, and Ginny "Fred missed you so much, he was starting to get unbearable" George exposed "How's Ashley, Why hasn't Ashley texted me, Ashley's so pretty" George said in a mocking tone causing me to smile.

We spent a few minutes with his family before we left. I honestly didn't expect to have so much fun, I almost felt guilty, like I wasn't allowed to have fun yet. Fred always had a way of cheering me up though. He first planned a trip to the Diagon Alley and we had some drinks in a bar. And then he planned a picnic up on a beautiful hill where we got a beautiful view of the sunset.

I felt alright, not all together but in that moment I felt alright "I know you're not going to say anything yourself because I'm sad and my best friend just died but I have to tell you." I turned to face him "I love you" he said quickly, catching me off guard "I love you too" I smiled at him as he leaned over to kiss me, it was soft and passionate. His hand found the back of my neck as he deepened the kiss. We pulled away, grinning from ear to ear. Maybe life wasn't all that bad.

- talks with jules -
How do we feel about these two?? I personally am rooting for them😭😭

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