chapter 04.

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the next week Mattheo started acting so weird, all of the affectionate things he did were gone, he would say something sweet but it started becoming really rare

"Hey guys I have an idea" I spoke to my friends "George and Fred Weasley recently opened their joke shop. Why don't we go" I offered "Hell yes" Pansy and Alora immediately agreed "Yeah let's go" The rest of the boys agreed, Mattheo didn't say a word "You wanna go Mattheo?" I asked

He shrugged "Whatever" and stood up "What the hell is going on with you?" I said slightly raising my voice, he shrugged again "Answer me" I demanded "Nothing" he replied quickly and started walking off

I grabbed his arm to stop him but he pushed me away harshly causing me to stumble and fall to the floor. Theo and Enzo immediately stepped in front of me pushing him back "What the hell man" Lorenzo yelled

Pansy helped me stand up before I pulled Enzo and Theo away from him "It's fine" I coldly reassured not even bothering to look at Mattheo.

"Let's go" I said as my friends grabbed onto the port key that led into the Diagon Alley. When we arrived it
took us 5 minutes to get to the shop, which was filled with customers.

I was friends with Fred and George, we were never extremely close but we talked. Fred even tried to ask me out, multiple times. It was admirable, the way he never gave up.

We entered the shop, I immediately spotted Fred and George on the stairs of the shop, they looked so proud "I'll be back" I told Pansy and Alora and left walking in the twins' direction

"Hey you two" I smiled at the boys "Ash hey" they both greeted and kissed me on each cheek "I am genuinely so proud of you two" I said looking over the shop "It looks amazing"

"Thank you, love" Fred put his arms around me, pulling me in for a hug, then after Fred was done George hugged me as well "So" Fred smirked "Sorry Ash, I'll see you later a customer needs help" he kissed me on the cheek once more and walked off "Do you want to go out now" he asked.

I looked at him, not knowing what to say, then I looked around the store to find Mattheo talking to some girl "You know what? I do want to go out with you" I smiled at him "I knew not giving up would pay off one day" He smiled at me "I guess it did" I laughed "Hey Ash come down we're going to get something to eat" Enzo called me "You got my number, text me" I told Fred and walked off

We went to some restaurant Pansy apparently knew and sat down, ordered, and started eating once the food arrived "So Ash, Did Fred finally manage to get you to go out with him?" Alora nudged me causing Mattheo's hand to snap up "Actually he did" I played along, I knew what she was doing, she wanted to make Mattheo mad and I was there  for it

"When?" Enzo asked, knowing what we were doing as well "I don't know, he'll text me" Mattheo slammed his hands on the table and walked off "Should I follow him?" I whispered over to Pansy and Alora "Go and pick a fight" Pansy encouraged "He deserves it" Alora agreed and I stood up walking in the same direction he did.

I found him on the balcony of the restaurant "What the hell is your problem" I asked "You. You act all cute around me, making me think we're actually getting back together and then you go and agree to go on a date with Fred" He yelled "Are you fucking kidding me? You were acting too cold the last few days and you literally pushed me for no reason today. If anyone is being a dick here it's you Mattheo" I yelled back

His gaze softened "Ash I'm so-" I cut him off "No don't apologize. We are never getting back together, like ever." I scoffed and left "What happened" Theo immediately asked "Fuck him, he's a dick. I can't wait to go out with Fred" I settled in my seat "He actually tried to blame me for going out with Fred like he hasn't been acting like a complete dick these last few days" I rambled on to my friends "I was so nice to him, even before we came to the summer house, I wanted us to be friends so the friend group wouldn't fall apart" I finished

"We're all on your side" Enzo shrugged "Yeah, we love Mattheo but we all agree he's been a complete dick to you" Blaise spoke up "Thanks guys" I smiled at my friends and then stopped when I saw Mattheo reenter the room. He sat down at the table, everyone was completely silent. We finished dinner in complete silence, paid, and left to go back to the summer house.

The boys were in the living room and I was with the girls in my bedroom "This is exactly what I didn't want to happen. No one is talking and the mood is so dead" I groaned as I plopped down on my bed "You know it's not your fault right? It's Mattheo who fucked everything up" Pansy tried to reassure me but I just couldn't help but feel like it was my fault. I didn't want to tell them that though

"Yeah" I smiled before we changed the topic to Draco and Pansy. She said things were good and she was really happy. Which I was glad for, she deserved someone who treats her right.

The next topic. Alora and Lorenzo "I don't know, we flirt, we kissed a couple of times but he's not doing anything to show me he wants me. I mean he could at least ask me on a date but no, we barely spend time alone together" Alora complained about Lorenzo's lack of action

"He isn't playing with your feelings if that's what you're thinking. That's not Enzo, he's the sweetheart in the group. And while it is stupid of him to not take action, he's probably just trying to find the perfect moment. He's all about the romantic stuff so I promise once he does ask you on a date it'll be amazing" I reassured my friend and protected Enzo at the same time.

Enzo is way too sweet to be talked about, that's why I love him with all my heart. He is and always will be my big brother

- talks with jules -
this chapter's a little shorter than the others. also, I can't wait to write Fred and Ashley going out, I wanted to make George ask her out cause I'm a George girl but sadly I didn't😔

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