chapter 16.

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Suddenly I felt a hand graze my cheek, I slowly lifted my head to see Theo's eyes fluttering open "Oh my god you're alive" I cried even more as I threw my arms around him, I felt his arms slowly wrap around my waist as I realized I probably put too much pressure on him "Sorry I'm just so happy" I smiled "It's okay Ash" he said in a low voice.

My friends and I just sat there with him and talked to him while he regained his strength "I gotta go check on the twins, I'll be back" I said goodbye to my friends and made my way over to the family.

I saw them crying, I knew it couldn't have been good, George was standing alone. Where was Fred? Please don't tell me something happened to him. I rushed over to George "Is it Fred?" I asked not being able to look at the body next to me "No, it's Percy. Fred's going to be here in a second" Silent sobs escaped the younger twin' mouth as I pulled him in for a hug "I'm so sorry Georgie" I comforted the boy the best I could but he let go of me "I'll be alright, it's my mother I am worried about" he sniffed

I turned to the woman, who was kneeling over to her son's body while she cried into his chest. Poor woman, I didn't want to imagine what it was like to lose a son. I was about to walk up to her but I heard my name being yelled across the room. It was Fred.

I ran into his arms and grabbed ahold of his head "I'm so so happy you're okay" I kissed his cheeks, I never wanted to let him go "I'm so happy too" he admitted as he held my face with his hands, he looked deep in my eyes, I knew what he meant.

And in that moment I realized, I felt it too.

I didn't have to think twice before leaning in to kiss him. The second was soft but it also wasn't, there's no words to explain it. It felt euphoric like we were always meant to kiss each other.

We pulled away and hugged one more time before I urged Fred to go to his family, he told me to go be with my friends and that we would see each other later.

I returned to my friends and we helped with the bodies, we helped the separated family and everything else. At night before we went to sleep Fred had told me to come to the Astronomy tower after everyone fell asleep.

I went up to find him sitting at the edge as candles lit up the room, I slowly made my way over to him and sat down trying not to scare him "You're here" he gave me a warm smile "Of course I am" I smiled back

"I have something to tell you" he let out a shaky sigh as someone interrupted "Ash" I heard Enzo say as I quickly turned around "You need to come with me" his eyes were filled with tears, I knew it wasn't good "It's Theo" he said in a whisper "No" I immediately ran after him and into the great hall where I saw our friends standing over something, someone.

I pushed past them only to see my best friend lying on the gurney, his lifeless body was turning white.

"No" I cried out "Theo wake up, please you got to wake up" I kneeled before him as I cried into his chest "Don't leave me" I could barely get any words out, I was uncontrollably sobbing.

I had known Theo for years, we had been inseparable since we were 5, I couldn't possibly live without him, It wasn't possible.

My world came crashing down, it was as if all the happiness in the world had been stripped away, I couldn't hear anything or anyone around me. The only thing I could focus on was the dead body of my best friend, my best friend whom I'll never see again, my best friend with whom I'll never get to laugh again or tell my boy problems to, my best friend who I'll never see protecting me again when some random boy was being a dick, my best friend whose beautiful eyes I won't get to look in again, my best friend who's arms I'll never feel wrap around me again. It was over. Theo was dead and I didn't feel anything anymore. Not. A. Single. Thing

- talks with jules -
screaming, crying. I hate to do this guys i'm sorry😔😔

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