chapter 15.

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A death curse was coming our way but Fred managed to bounce it back to the death eater, we got up quickly but also got separated very quickly considering the crazy amounts of people in the school.

There were so many bodies on the floor, my heart broke just by looking at them.

Hours had passed and we thought it was finally over,
until we heard a commotion outside, which made us all rush towards the courtyard.

It was Voldemort with Mattheo by his side and Hagrid who was carrying Harry's body on the other side "Harry Potter is dead" Voldemort announced, you could hear Ginny's heartbreaking scream for miles and her sobs afterwards as well.

"Now that the chosen one is gone, who is willing to join the more powerful side? Draco perhaps?" he laughed "Draco don't" I placed my hand on his shoulder, he smiled at me "I won't Ash" "You're side isn't the more powerful one until I am no longer breathing" I stepped forward, right in front of him.

"Expelliarmus" I pointed my wand at him as a bright blue light shone out of him "Avada Kedavra" a dark green light made its way to me before it collided with my spell.

A fight broke out between the death eaters and the Hogwarts students while Voldemort and I were still focusing on each other.

I sent our spells up in the air before I hit him with another one, he blocked it and sent another one towards me, and I blocked it. We went back and forth until Draco gave Harry a wand and he managed to join in "Expelliarmus" he pointed his wand towards Voldemort "Neville killed the snake, it was the last Horkrux" one of the students informed Harry "Ashley join me" Harry yelled

"Expelliarmus" I joined in with Harry, soon enough our spells were stronger than Voldemort's one, he had a worried look on his face as his death curse started making its way back to him.

It reached him.

It was finally done, Voldemort slowly disappeared into Ashes and with that, the death eaters did as well. Harry and I hugged each other and I moved on to my friends "My dark mark is gone" Draco picked me up in his arms "You saved me" he kissed my cheek "You should say thanks to Potter too" I told him which to my surprise he nodded to, I watched him walk over there, give Harry his hand and talk to him "Am I seeing right or has my
vision gone to shit" Enzo rubbed his eyes "Oh my gosh, they're hugging" I giggled.

Never in a million years did I think that I would catch Draco and Harry hugging but there it was, in front of the whole school.

I couldn't wait to see Theodore but when I turned back to my friends "Where's Theo?" I asked immediately "Shit we haven't seen him" Enzo said "No" I immediately ran inside where there were a lot of
other people, grieving over their losses.

"Theo" I yelled as my friends and I split up to find him,
I walked around helplessly just hoping to see his face and when I finally did my heart stopped, it was like all happiness had been ripped out of my body "No" I let out a sob as I dropped myself next to him "Please you can't die" I clutched onto his shirt which was covered in blood "No" I heard a faint whisper next to me, I didn't need to look. I knew it was Enzo.

We sat there sobbing, I couldn't let go of him, not now, not ever.

- talks with jules -
Is Theo going to die???😱

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