chapter 09.

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The weeks after Dumbledore's speech were spent in training but they also let the students who were in their last year have enough time to study and take their exams. We knew a war was coming, we knew it was soon, we just didn't know when.

I wasn't terrified but I was scared, people would die, and there was no way of avoiding that, we all knew it but just didn't want to admit it.

"How are you holding up?" Enzo asked as we sat in the great hall to eat dinner "I'm doing great" I smiled "Really?" he asked again "Yes" I quickly replied and started eating.

After dinner and hundreds of pitiful looks, I decided to go on a walk. I walked in the pretty much empty hall I always walk in when I need to be alone. As I approached the end of the hall I saw a silhouette in the corner. It creeped me out so for safety reasons, I took out my wand.

I was ready to attack when I saw the shadow making its way towards me but then a very familiar face came into the picture "What the hell are you doing here? Shouldn't you be off with your father planning how to destroy the school?" I asked the curly-haired boy "I came to see you. I couldn't stay away anymore" he stepped closer "Well too bad, because I have no interest in seeing you ever again. We are done Mattheo, the days of you screwing me over whenever you feel like it are over. Any shred of love I had left for you is gone. You know you have some nerve coming back here after you let me believe you were never going to do something like this again. Go, I never want to see you again" I pushed the boy away from me and turned around only to bump into someone

I looked up to find his father in front of me, Voldemort. Mattheo lured me into a trap "You sick bastard" I yell as I turn to face him once more "Who does something like this to a person they apparently love?" I yell once more before my mouth is covered by his hand "You need to be quiet. And I do love you. I swear but I have to do this" he gave me an apologetic look before we vanished into thin air

I woke up in a dark room, chained to a chair with Mattheo on my left side "You're awake" he let out a relieved sigh "You know I would've never admitted it to you but if you left things how they were in that hallway, I'm sure I would've forgiven you one day. But this? I'll never forgive you for this Mattheo. This is sick and you know it" I scoffed "And to believe you actually loved me. I have to tell you Riddle you're a fucking good actor. You genuinely made me believe you loved me"

"I do" he whispered "What's that?" I asked in a cold tone "I do love you Ash" he admitted "First of all you don't get to call me that, you lost the right to do that the second you decided to leave" Tears started filling my eyes but I wasn't going to let them fall. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of knowing how much he hurt me

"And second of all" I pulled myself together "I know you had a terrible childhood and your view on most things is fucked up but even you should know that this, it isn't love. It's the furthest thing from love actually" I finished "But I don't care. You already lost me, there's nothing you can do that'll make me hate you more than I do right now" I sighed and stopped talking.

We sat in complete silence for a long time, no one talked until Voldemort entered the room "Ashley Gray. It is no secret that your family is very powerful" he spoke "So, I have an offer for you. Join me" he said "And I can help you bring out your real powers" my real powers? What the hell is he taller about "I'd rather have you kill me right this second than join you" I spat, I knew I was taking a risk talking to him like this, he could kill me, he didn't care.

But it was true. I would rather die than betray my friends and my family. I wouldn't go down the same path Mattheo did, I promised myself. I would fight.

"Crucio" Voldemort pointed his wand at me as unbearable pain pierced through my body, I felt like I was dying, I thought I was dying. My screams were probably heard for miles. It felt like it had been hours when the pain finally stopped "You'll endure this every day until you agree" he said and left the room.

Mattheo didn't even look at me and then I was so fucking sure, Our story was over. There was no turning back anymore.

- talks with jules -
I absolutely hate making mattheo be the bad guy but I need the angst😞

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