chapter 13.

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I was sitting next to Fred in the Gryffindor common room and Harry was about to tell us his plan "Hold on" Seamus spoke "What's the Slytherin doing here? For all we know she could be reporting everything back to You Know Who and the whole kidnapping thing could've been fake" I froze. Did people really think I faked that?

Fred and George shared a knowing look before they both punched Seamus in the face, Fred put his arm around me "Go on Harry" he smirked at the shocked people including me.

"I'll surrender myself to Voldemort" A shiver went through me at the sound of his name and Fred felt it "You're safe" he whispered "I'll have to see him soon, a war is about to break out" I whispered back "I'll be there, George too and all your friends. I promise you he won't even touch you" he reassured me "Thanks Freddie" I smiled at him

"I have a plan, I won't actually be dead but I can't tell you exactly what the plan is." He said "I'm gonna be honest that's a very stupid idea and I don't know how you'll manage not to die after he shoots a killing curse at you but hey you're Harry Potter you'll make it work" I gave them my opinion, the rest agreed with me.

"Thank you for trusting me" He gave us all a quick smile and then left with Hermione and Ron by his side "Are you sure you're okay Ash?" George whispered over to me, I shrugged "I don't know"

"You can always talk to us" he gave me a warm smile "I just don't want to see either of them again. I never told you but I still have nightmares and it took such a tool on my brain that I get flashbacks out of nowhere. For example; I'm eating and suddenly I get a flashback of the torture. It's almost like I can feel the pain again every time I even think of it. What if I get a flashback in the middle of the war and I end up dead?" I admitted, I didn't want to but I had to. I needed some positivity and George and Fred are the people for positivity.

"We won't leave your side, Ash, You will be completely and absolutely safe. I promise" Fred said "I really appreciate you being there for me guys, I really needed it" I stood up so I could hug the both of them, they quickly hugged me back.

We went training together where we ran into Theo and Enzo, I talked to them for a little while before I moved on. We started with my usual routine. Strength, Endurance, and then spells. The best thing was that with George and Fred, even training was fun.

I hadn't laughed so much in such a long time and I almost felt like myself again which was when I realized that those two were healing me, they were healing my soul. I mean I was able to laugh and smile again which was something I couldn't do since I woke up from the coma.

We went to dinner together "Wanna sit at the Gryffindor table with us Ash?" George questioned "I'm sorry guys I'm gonna sit at my table, I can't completely abandon my friends" The twins nodded and said goodbye before they walked off

"Hey guys" I greeted my friends while I settled myself between Enzo and Pansy "Hey Ash" they all greeted in union "What did you do today" Enzo asked "Uh I hung out with the twins in their common room and then we trained" I answered "You've been spending a lot of time with the twins lately" Pansy noticed "Yeah they're fun to be around" I took a small bite of my food

"And we aren't?" she suddenly spoke, I didn't know what to say, the words simply wouldn't come out of my mouth "Pansy shut the fuck up" Enzo spat, I had never, ever heard him talk to his friends like that

"Enzo she's ri-" he cut me off "No. When she goes through what you went through then she's allowed to talk but otherwise, she better keep her mouth shut" Enzo said which Theo agreed to.

Pansy scoffed and left the table "We're not mad at you Ash. It is your right to choose how you want to heal and we know we remind you of him so it's alright" Alora comforted me "I really am sorry for the way I've been acting" I apologized "As long as the twins are making you happy we won't ever be mad you're hanging out with them" Theodore finally spoke up "You're sure?" I hoped "100%" Alora smiled.

I spent the dinner with them and afterwards hurried towards the astronomy tower to be alone, I've been going there a lot lately, to smoke mostly but I also liked to be alone and it's just so peaceful up there.

I entered the tower to already see someone sitting there and smoking, I was gonna say something but then I saw them, those locks I would recognize everywhere.

Panic and fear filled my body as I ran down the stairs and into the dungeons as fast as I could, Blaise jumped up from his seat on the couch the second I walked in.

I couldn't breathe, he noticed "Should I call Theo and Enzo?" I nodded and he commanded Draco to look after me until he was back


Blaise hurried into my and Theodore's room telling me something was wrong with Ashley, my heart stopped before I found her on the couch, I thought she was dead.

"I saw him, it was him. He was at the astronomy tower and he was smoking" she was shaking uncontrollably "I'm so sorry you had to see him Ash" he pulled me into his arms "What if he came back for me?" her voice was shaking "We'll protect you until our last dying breath" I promised as she slowly fell asleep in my arms

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