chapter 05.

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Fred texted me the next morning asking if I was free that night at 6. I told him I was and I was genuinely excited to go out with him, he was a really nice guy and super sweet.

We went to the beach that day, all of us, except Mattheo.
"Come on Mattheo everyone's going" Draco tried to convince him
"No" he blankly replied and looked back to his phone
"Matt come on" Enzo tried that time
"I said no stop being annoying" Mattheo insulted
"Fine if you're going to be a dick, you're not going even if you wanted to" I grabbed my friends and we walked out of the house in the direction of the beach

We spent the day there, Theodore even let us bury him in the sand, we turned him into a mermaid, it was so funny I actually peed a little while I was laughing.

We also brought some drinks, like a lot of them. And most of it was alcohol, the night was setting and we were thinking of something fun that we could do "Let's go skinny dipping" Pansy jumped up "Yes" Alora joined her

I shared looks with Enzo and Theo as we all stood up "Hell yeah" Enzo smirked. It took us a minute to convince Draco and Blaise but eventually, they joined in as well.

We all ran towards the ocean, took off our clothes, and jumped in. It wasn't weird but we probably felt that way because we were drunk.

Theodore swam up to me and put his arm around my neck, I had to control myself to not look down cause I definitely didn't want to see that

"Hey Ash" he suddenly said "Yeah" I smiled "You know" he turned to face me "I always thought you were the most beautiful girl I've ever seen" I turned to face him "Theodore what?" I chuckled "It's true. That night when you didn't want to kiss me in that closet, where you said I was like your big brother. It broke my heart" he confessed "Theo you're drunk" I backed away, this wasn't happening, no way.

"No Ashley I know what I'm saying, I'm trying to tell you that I love you. I always have. From the moment you spoke to me in year one cause I had no friends I have loved you helplessly. You're the first thing on my mind when I wake up and the last thing before I go to sleep."

"Theodore stop, no" tears formed in my eyes "I don't feel the same" I started crying, his shoulders fell, his smile faded "I don't want to lose you over this" I begged "No no no you won't" he reassured as he led me out the ocean "Put your clothes on" I did.

After we were dressed he hugged me "The fact that you don't feel the same doesn't change anything. You're still my best friend and that won't ever change, no matter what" he kissed the top of my head "You promise" I looked up "I promise Ash" he kept hugging me until I realized something "I go to go" I told him and ran towards the house.

I entered the room Mattheo was in only to find him in the same position he was in when we left

Mattheo Riddle

I noticed her tearstained cheeks and the way she was breathing heavily "Ashley are you okay" I immediately stood up and walked over to her, she nodded

Ashley Gray

"Mattheo" I looked into his eyes "I love you." I confessed "I still love you and I can't stop thinking about you. Yeah you're a dick but I can't forget you" I started crying, why was I crying all the damn time

"Please Mattheo, I want us to work, no, I need us to work" I threw my arms around him. He hugged me back quickly "I love you too Ash, You have no idea how much" He kissed me, passionately, softly. I love him so much.

- talks with jules -
this chapter is a lot shorter but they're back🥳 for now....

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