chapter 08.

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I knew she would never forgive me for what I did, the last time I did something like this she swore she would not forgive me if I did it again. But I had to, I had to protect her, even if it meant she would never speak to me again.

My father was a heartless, cold, disgusting monster. He didn't care about me, he never did. I was only there so he could use me whenever he wanted to attempt killing Harry Potter. He knew threatening Ashley would do the trick, which is why I leave and help him every time.

Not because I want to but because I have to. She doesn't know that though.

I promised my father I would help him bring down the whole school if he promised to let me go after this. To leave me, Ashley, and all of my friends alone. He agreed but only if we actually do manage to destroy the school.

He planned an attack, it would be the final war. He would kill Harry Potter and finally become the most powerful wizard the wizarding world has ever known.

The weeks before the war were spent in torture, my father knew a spell that made him see what was in my mind and all he could see was Ashley.

Her beautiful face, her gorgeous eyes, and her smile, that lights up the entire room. I missed her so much I wanted to kill myself.

He spent weeks torturing me until he got her out of my head (or so he thought)

The more days I spent training for the war the more the feeling of guilt set in. She was never going to speak to me again. I just ruined the only good thing in my life. The only person who knows how to calm me down when I'm losing my control, the only person's face I want to see when I open my eyes, the only person I ever wanted to marry won't even look me in the eyes once our paths cross again.

It felt like my heart was being pulled out of my chest. I had never hated myself more, I will never hate myself more.

Maybe... maybe it's better this way. She deserves someone better, someone who will stay with her forever and won't ever leave her. Someone who will bring her breakfast in bed and place kisses all around her face. Someone who will care for her when she's grumpy or has cramps. Someone who she's safe with and her life isn't in constant danger when she's with him

No matter how much I wanted to be that someone, I couldn't. Not until my father is alive and breathing and knowing him, he's going to find a way to come back every time he dies which means being with me will never be safe.

That is why I chose to let her go. So she can be happy, get married have children, and live the life she's always wanted.

She'll become a florist or a bookshop owner, her house will be decorated in light colors. She'll either own a flat in the Diagon Alley or a beautiful house with a huge garden where her kids and probably her hundreds of dogs will run around. She'll be happy. And that is all that mattered to me.

Her happiness.

- talks with jules-
short chapter😞

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