chapter 11.

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After I woke up I talked with Theo and Enzo who informed me about what happened while we waited for our friends to come.

Draco, Alora, Pansy, and Blaise rushed in with Fred and George following quickly behind "Oh you're awake" Alora and Pansy jumped to hug me which made me wince "You're hurting her" Theo said as he and Fred gently took the girls off me "I'm sorry, I was so worried it's so nice to see you again" Alora sniffed as tears filled her eyes "Please don't cry for me" I begged, I couldn't handle it, not now.

I caught up with my friends and then I was left with George and Fred "I'm surprised you came to see me" I laughed softly "Why's that?" Fred asked "Well I blew you off for our date without telling you anything which I'm sorry for by the way, you didn't deserve that. It's just so much happened that night and also I was kinda drunk, so I didn't want to show up to our date drunk and I-" he cut me off as he started laughing "Ash you went through something unimaginable and you're trying to apologize for blowing me off on our date? Please I'm just glad you're okay" he hugged me along with George "For what it's worth I'm glad you're alive too" George chimed in causing me to laugh. If you ever needed a laugh these two would make you laugh, no matter the situation.

The two twins sat with me for the rest of the day, I ended up realizing that they actually finished school and had a whole shop "We come to Hogwarts often, help everyone train for the war but today we just came to see you" George explained

"Don't you have a shop to run?" I asked "Don't worry about it" Fred waved it off and gave me a sweet smile. I never thought I would be so glad to see my friends again but it felt so good, talking to everyone.

— — —

A week had passed since I woke up and I was finally getting released from the Hospital Wing "Remember be careful don't stress yourself out too much" Madam Pomfrey warned "Don't worry she won't" Enzo responded for me and walked with me to Dumbledore's office who requested to see me, probably to talk about the event that went down at the Riddle Manor.

With Enzo and Alora by my side I entered the office "Ah, Miss Gray, sit down" he motioned to the chair opposite of him "Hello sir" I carefully sat down on the chair "If you do not mind saying, do you remember what happened during your imprisonment at the Riddle Manor?" he asked "You don't have to answer if
you don't feel like it Ash" Alora reassured me

"Of course, It is a very traumatic event and if
You do not feel comfortable speaking about it no one is forcing you to do so" I took in a deep breath trying to focus on what he was saying "No it is alright. Well, I remember that the son had come to the school again and his reason was to see me, when I tried to go away I was met with-" I couldn't say his name, I didn't have it in me "You know who. They brought me to the Riddle Manor and he said if I joined him he would help me unleash my true powers" Deep breath, I'm okay "I of course declined and that's when he used crucio on me for the first time."

I went on telling the story, I didn't go into details, for that I was not ready yet. I could barely talk about it with very few details because I could see the flashbacks in front of my eyes.

After I left his office, I was shaking and I could barely stand "I need to sit down" Enzo quickly led me to a nearby chair "Do you want to talk about it with us?" Alora asked

I didn't say anything for a minute "The pain was excruciating and what's worse I thought he loved me. He just stood there and watched them do terrible things to me. I thought he was my soulmate" I broke down crying, Enzo took me in his arms as I curled up in his lap

"I wanted to marry him, I-" I couldn't speak anymore, the sobs wouldn't let me, so we just sat there, in the abandoned corridor so I could let everything out that I'd been holding in for over a week.

I felt weak, I felt helpless but suddenly after a while. I didn't feel anything anymore, not one ounce of
emotion. It was like I completely shut it off.

- talks with jules -
This is so fun to write even though it shouldn't be and I feel so bad for Ashley😔q

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