chapter 02.

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The next day Mattheo did end up going on a date with the girl while the rest of us went out for some drinks "Enzo no you can't just wave your wand around and pour yourself a drink. You wait for the bartender and order" I whispered to the boy as I smacked him on the back of his neck

"Wand" I demanded stretching my hand out for Enzo to place his wand in "Here you go Mom" He rolled his eyes and sat forward when he saw the bartender approach him "I'm going to the bathroom guys" I informed my friends and left. Before I could reach the bathroom I bumped into a girl "Sorry" I apologized as I started to walk off "You're the girl my date has been staring at the whole time" she suddenly realized "Your date?" I asked "Yeah, Mattheo" she informed "He's not taking his eyes off of you" My gaze shifted in Mattheo's direction when he quickly looked away

"I love it when I catch you looking at me"

"Sorry?" I said confused "No, I don't know why I said that, it's not your fault" She shook her head and I was finally able to leave. I entered the bathroom to find a girl touching up her makeup in the mirror, she seemed familiar, and she noticed me too

"Do we know each other?" she suddenly asked "Uhm I wouldn't know you seem familiar though?" I said shrugging my shoulders "What's your name?" she questioned once more "Ashley, Ashley Gray" I answered again causing her to gasp loudly "Oh my god, Alora Prescott" she said introducing herself

And then it clicked "Lora oh my god" I immediately pulled her in for a hug, she hugged me back immediately "I haven't seen you in such a long time" she says and I agree "Are you here with your family?" I ask her

"No I came alone, my parents don't like coming here anymore but I love the house, I come here every summer" she explained "What about you, you haven't been here for so long"

"Well I spent most of my summers in the Wizarding World but this summer my parents are leaving for a work trip and I can't go with them. Not that I wanted to go but whatever they felt bad and gave me the summer house for the summer" I explained

"You know what, you should come to mine. I'm here with my friends they would absolutely love you" I offer to the girl and she immediately accepted

I left the bathroom with her and brought her over to my friends "Guys this is Alora, she goes to the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic but she's here for the summer and she's alone so she's staying with us" I told them, and sat back down on my chair "Well I'll definitely make sure she's not alone" Lorenzo whispered in my ear "Go ahead. Maybe it works" I smirk and kiss his cheek

"Are you two a thing" Alora suddenly asks pointing at me and Lorenzo "Oh no, he's like my big brother. Him and Theodore over there" I pointed to Theo "That's just my thing, kissing my friends on the cheek" I reassured her "Good" she smiled and Enzo and sat down.

Alright, Enzo's plan is definitely going to work.

Mattheo Riddle

The date was so awfully boring, she kept talking about customers and stuff that I couldn't give two flying fucks about, all I could look and think about was Ashley. How she was laughing with Enzo and kissing him on the cheek. I was fuming, she looked so beautiful and she wasn't mine.

"Hey, you're nice but this isn't going to work" I put some money on the table and walked over to my friends. I immediately walked up to Ashley and kissed her on the cheek "Hello everyone" I sat down "What was that Mattheo?" she asked "What is Enzo allowed to kiss you on the cheek and I am not?" I snapped "No that's not how I fucking meant it and you know it" she snapped back, she didn't speak to me for the rest of the day.

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