Chapter 6

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I Pulled Into Ms. Miller's Driveway And Quickly Got Out Of The Car. My Blood Was Boiling And I Was Gonna Let This Bitch Have It Good! I Rang The Doorbell And Beat On The Door Until Kinslee Answered It.

"Hey God Mom." She Said.

"Hey Baby. Where's Your Grandma?" I Asked. Ms. Miller Appeared In The Doorway And I Uninvitedly Walked In.

"How Dare You Tell Kaiden That My Husband Killed Preston? We Both Know That Isn't True!" I Snapped.

"I Don't Know That! The Kids Wanted To Know About Their Father." She Said.

"That Still Doesn't Give You The Right To Lie And Tell Him That Marvin Killed Preston!" I Snapped.

"All I Said Was That It Wasn't A Coincidence! And It Wasn't! That Marvin Boy Knows Who Killed My Son!" She Said. She Really Wanted Me To Punch Her Ass.

"You Know What? Your Son Was A Junkie! All He Did Was Drugs And Even If Marvin Wasn't In The Picture, I Still Wouldn't Have Been With Preston!" I Snapped.

"Get Out Of My House Before I Call The Police!" She Said. I Shook My Head And Grabbed My Son's Bag.

"Kaiden Will NOT Be Coming Back Over Here!" I Said. I Turned And Walked Out The House.

"You Can't Do That! He's My Grandson And Apart Of My Son! My Dead Son At That!" She Said.

"You Should've Thought About That Before You Ran Off At The Mouth!" I Said. She Began Crying As She Slowly Fell To The Ground. I Got In My Car And Started It Up. My Phone Then Began Ringing. It Was Blondie.

"Hello." I Answered.

"Kaidence? I Just Got A Call From Kinslee And She's Crying Saying That You're Over There Snapping On Preston's Mom." She Said.

"I Did! She Told Kaiden And Kinslee That Marvin Murdered Preston!" I Said

She Gasped. "She Didn't." She Said.

"She Did! And Kaiden Is Not Allowed Back Over There! At All." I Snapped.

"Maybe I Should Go Get Kinslee. If She's Saying That About Marvin Then Only God Knows What She Saying About My Man." She Said.

"Right. But I'll Call You Later. I Need To Let Off Some Steam." I Said.

"Alright. Be Careful." She Said.

"Same To You." I Said.

I Hung And Headed....Somewhere. Anywhere!


After Clearing My Head, I Finally Headed Home. I Couldn't Even Get Fully Into The House Without Marvin Asking Me A Million And One Questions! Gahh! After My Brief Interrogation, I Headed In My Room, Stripped Out Of My Clothes, And Took A Long, Long, LONG Shower. I Washed My Hair, Shaved, Washed And Rinsed My Body Off, And Hopped Out. I Had A Massive Headache, But Nothing Some Tylenol And A Shot Of Vodka Can Fix. I Popped Two Tylenol And Chased That With Some Sprite, And Then Chased The Sprite With A Shot Of Vodka; Okay...Two Shots Of Vodka. Afterwards, I Slid On Some Shorts And A Tank Top, And Sat On My Bed To Put Some Lotion On Until I Heard A Knock At The Door.

A Family Hustle: Part 6Where stories live. Discover now