Chapter 13

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My Face Hit The Pavement Hard As I Felt Punches On The Back Of My Head.

"Time To Finish What I Started!" I Heard Josh Say.

"Leave Him Alone Man! You Gon Get Us Arrested!" Sean Snapped.

"I Don't Give A Fuck!" He Snapped. I Flipped Him Off Me And Stood Up.

"Dude Back The Fuck Up!" I Snapped.

"You Think Ima Just Let You Fuck My Girlfriend And NOT Beat Your Ass? You Have Another Thing Coming." He Said. He Swung At Me And I Ducked, Slamming My Fist Into His Stomach. I Then Slammed My Knee Into His Face, Causing Him To Fall Back On To The Ground. He Cried Out In Pain As His Nose Gushed With Blood. I Was About To Break Out Running Until A Car Pulled Up On Me.

"Kaiden! Sean! Get In!" They Said. I Looked And It Was Mia And Her Friend. We Hopped In The Car And It Sped Off.

"Are Y'all Okay? The Police Are Looking For Y'all!" Mia Said.

"Yeah. We're Fine." I Said.

"Dani Can You Drop Us Off At My House?" Mia Asked.

"Yes Ma'am." She Said. Mia Glanced At Me And Crawled In The Backseat With Me.

"Get In The Front." She Ordered To Sean. He Hopped In The Front As She Examined Me.

"Your Face Is Bleeding." She Said.

"It's Nothing." I Said.

"I'm So Sorry About This. Josh Overheard Me Telling Dani About Us, And He Flipped, But I Promise You That I Am Not With Him." She Said.

"It's Cool. I'm Not Mad." I Said. We Pulled Up In Front Of Mia's House And Got Out.

"Hit Me Up Later, Sean!" I Said. Mia Grabbed My Hand As We Walked Into The House.

"Is Your Mom Home?" I Asked.

"No. She Went To The Spa." She Said. We Walked Into Her Room As She Closed And Locked Her Bedroom Door. She Slid Off Her Jacket And Slowly Unbuttoned Her Shirt.

"Let Me Get You A Cold Towel." She Said. She Walked Into Her Bathroom And Grabbed Me A Wet Wash Cloth. When She Came Back, All She Had On Was Her School Uniform Skirt And Her Bra. I Was In A Trance As She Placed The Cold Cloth On My Face.

"I Feel So Bad About This." She Said.

"Why? It's Not Your Fault." I Said. She Squatted Down In Front Of Me And Kissed Me.

"Because I Ran My Mouth. Our Bedroom Business Is OUR Business. I'm Sorry." She Said.

"Stop Apologizing." I Said. I Leaned Down And Kissed Her. She Hopped Into My Lap And Deepened The Kiss As My Hands Held On To Her Waist.

"I Want You." She Whispered.

"I Want You Too." I Said. She Pushed Me Back And Bent Down To Kiss Me Once Again. I Could Feel Myself Getting Hard And I Knew I Wanted This Girl Again, But That Would Have To Be Put On Hold Because Somebody Was At Her Door.

"Mia? Are You In There?" I Heard Someone Say.

"Shit! Yeah Mom." She Said. She Pulled Me Up And Pushed Me In Her Bathroom.

"Shower!" She Whispered. I Quickly Hopped In The Shower As She Let Her Mom In.

"What Are You Doing Home?" I Heard Her Mom Ask.

"I Started My Cycle And I Came Back To Shower And Change." She Said.

"Oh. Well You Can Stay Home Then." Her Mom Said.

"Okay Thanks." Mia Said.

"I Need To Get The Shampoo Out Of Your Shower." Her Mom Said. My Heart Stopped As I Heard Mia Tell Her Mom She'd Get It.

"Why Can't I Get? Who's In There?" Her Mom Said. I Did A Silent Prayer And Hoped Her Mom Didn't Come In Here.

"Mia'Lanni Marie Palmer! Who Is In This House?" Her Mom Snapped. Oh Fuck! She's Mad.

"Kaiden." I Heard Mia Say. I Stepped Out Of The Shower And Walked Into Her Bedroom.

"I Don't See Why You Had Him Hiding Mia! Hi, I'm Mia's Mom April." She Said.

"Nice To Meet You. I'm Kaiden." I Said.

"Well You're A Cute One!" She Said.

"Mom! Oh My God!" Mia Snapped.

"Okay... I'll Leave You Two Alone. Mia....Keep This Door Open, And Put Some Clothes On." Her Mom Said. Mia Nodded And Slid On A Ripped Up Shirt.

"I'm Sorry About That." She Said.

"Don't Apologize. Your Mom Seems Nice." I Said.

"Nice? She's Far From It." Mia Said.

"I Heard That!" Mia's Mom Said. We Giggled As She Grabbed My Hand.

"Let's Go Watch A Movie In The Den." She Said. I Pulled Her Back Towards Me And Kissed Her.

"Will You Be My Girlfriend?" I Asked. She Smiled.

"I Thought You'd Never Asked." She Said.

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