Chapter 31

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The Next Morning I Was Greeted By That Evil Bitch I Like To Call Morning Sickness. Ugh! My Day Is Already Starting Off In A Horrible Way. Once My Sickness Ceased, I Crawled Back In Bed And Just Laid There. I Felt Like Holy Shit, And I Really Didn't Want To Be Bothered By Anyone.

"You Okay Baby?" Marvin Said, Coming Into The Room. Ugh....Did I Mention I Didn't Wanna Be Bothered? I Shook My Head As I Threw The Cover Over My Head.

"I Brought You Some Orange Juice." He Said.

"Thanks." I Said.

"Are You Hungry?" He Said. I Sighed.

"Marvin I Really Don't Want To Be Bothered." I Said.

"And Me Trying To Feed You Is Bothering You? I Guess You Failed To Realize That I'm Your Husband And You're Carrying My Seed So I'm Going To Feed You. So Are You Hungry?" He Said.

"And I Guess You Failed To Realize That I'm Not In The Best Mood, So I Don't Want To Be Bothered!" I Snapped.

"Aight Then. I Won't Bother You!" He Said As He Walked Out Of The Room. I Groaned. My Life Is Turning Out To Be Miserable. Once I Was Showered, Dressed, And No Longer Nasueous, I Was Feeling A Bit Better. That Is...Until The Heart Burn Struck In. Ugh.

"Mommy! Mommy! Crayons!" Aubree Said, As She Ran Into The Bedroom. She Climbed Into My Lap. I Kissed Her And Was About To Get Her Crayons, Until Marvin Walked In And Grabbed Her From My Lap.

"Your Momma Doesn't Want To Be Bothered." He Said.

"Wow Really?" I Said. He Ignored Me And Walked Back Out Of The Room With Aubree. I Got Up And Followed Him Into The Living Room.

"Give Her Back! She Doesn't Bother Me!" I Snapped.

"Oh But I Do?" He Said.

"Well As Of Now, Yes You Do!" I Said. He Laughed And Shook His Head.

"You Are Something Else!" He Said.

"The Feeling Is Mutual." I Said. I Reached To Grab Aubree, But Marvin Moved Away.

"Marvin Give Me My Child." I Said.

"Your Child? If It Wasn't For Me, You Wouldn't Have These Kids! Let's Be Clear....Where Do You Think You'd Be If I Didn't Come Rescue You That Night?" He Said. My Mouth Dropped. Where The Fuck Is He Going With This?

"Who Knows Where I'd Be." I Said Quietly. I Was Slick Shocked At His Outburst. That Hurt.

"Kaidence...I...." He Began, But I Threw My Hand Up.

"Save It!" I Said. I Slowly Backed Away, Grabbed My Car Keys And Headed Out.

"Kaidence Wait!" He Called Out. I Ignored Him As I Fumbled To Get Into My Car.

"Red, Red...Stop! Wait!" He Said. He Grabbed Me By My Waist Before I Could Even Get In The Car.

"Don't Touch Me!" I Snapped.

"Look I'm Sorry! It's Just Fustrating To Have You Mad At Me All The Time, But I Keep Forgetting That You're Pregnant." He Said. I Rolled My Eyes.

"Baby Come Back In The House. I'm Sorry." He Said.

"You Know...When People Are Mad, The Truth Comes Out." I Said.

"Baby...You Know I Love You. And I Love The Kids We Created. I Just Don't Want You To Shut Me Out Of Everything. Let Me Help You." He Said. I Sighed.

"Okay. I'm Sorry." I Said, Hugging Him. He Kissed My Lips And Then My Nose.

"You Left Aubree Inside Alone." I Said. He Laughed.

"Kaiden Is Watching Her." He Said. I Rolled My Eyes As I Grabbed My Keys.

"Can We Get A Quickie In? In The Car?" He Said.

"NO! Hell No!" I Said.

"Come On! We Haven't Had Sex In Days!" He Said.

"True, But My Nausea And Heart Burn Are Killing Me. Rain Check?" I Said.

"Fine, But You Owe Me." He Said. I Giggled And Nodded. We Were Headed Back Into The House, Until We Heard A Car Horn Blow. It Was Marvin's Supposed "Babymama." She Got Out The Car, Followed By A Little Boy That Looked EXACTLY Like MJ...And Of Course...Marvin. Wow...That IS His Son! Shit.

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