Chapter 24

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24 Hours Later...

I Opened My Eyes To A Dark Room And I Can Only See Out Of My Right Eye. My Left Eye Vision Is Extremely Blurry. Oh Great. I'm Back In The Hospital. I Was About To Sit Up When I Noticed Marvin Asleep On The Side Of The Bed. I Gently Slid My Thumb Across His Cheek Which Made Him Jump. He Opened His Eyes And Looked Up At Me.

"Hey." I Said, In A Weak Voice.

"Oh Shit." He Said, Hugging Me. I Winced A Bit.

"Damn! My Bad Red. I Just Thought....I'm So Glad You're Awake." He Said. I Nodded And Then It Hit Me.

"Oh My God! Where's Kaiden?" I Asked.

"Calm Down Baby. He's Fine. He Got Released This Afternoon. He And Mia Are At The House Resting." He Said.

"Mia?" I Said.

"Yeah. She Refuses To Go Home So I Said She Could Stay With Us For A Few Days." He Said.

"What About April?" I Said.

"She's Locked Up." He Said.

"And Victor?" I Said. He Gave Me That I-Took-Care-Of-Him Look And That Gave Me Chills.

"He Almost Killed You! Seeing You Lay There Lifeless Just Made Me Go Crazy!" He Said. I Sighed.

"That Beating.....It Brought Back...Back...Those Memories. I.." I Began To Cry.

"Hey. Baby Don't Cry. He Is Not Here To Hurt You Anymore." He Said.

"He Might As Well Be!" I Said.

"Baby Calm Down. Don't Stress Yourself Out." He Said. He Wiped My Tears And Kissed Me.

"My Mouth Is Dry." I Said, With A Giggle. He Laughed.

"Let Me Call The Nurse." He Said. He Pressed The Button And A Lady Came Onto The Intercom.

"Can I Help You?" A Lady Said.

"My Wife Is Awake And She Needs Some Water." He Said.

"I'll Be Right There." She Said. He Sat Beside Me And Held My Hand.

"How Bad Is It?" I Asked.

"How Bad Is What?" He Asked.

"My Face." I Said.

"Your Face Is Swollen, And You Have A Black Eye." He Said.

"Why Can't I Feel Anything?" I Asked.

"You're On Pain Meds. I Didn't Want You Feeling Any Pain." He Said. I Groaned As I Covered My Face.

"Stop Red! You're Still Beautiful In My Eyes." He Said.

"I Wanna See." I Said.

"Red.." Marvin Said, But I Cut Him Off.

"Marvin Please...I Wanna See." I Said. He Sighed And Helped Me Up. I Slowly Made My Way To A Mirror And Stopped. My Face Was Literally Swollen, And My Eye Was Dark And Swollen Almost Completely Shut. My Face Was Bruised And I Just Didn't Look The Same. The Tears Were Streaming Down My Cheeks As I Laid Back In Bed.

"Don't Cry Red. It's Going To Be Okay. The Swelling Will Come Down." He Said. I Said Nothing. All I Did Was Cry. There Then Was A Knock At The Door And The Doctor Came In.

"Hello Mrs. Smith, I'm Dr. Bradley. How Are You Feeling?" He Asked. I Gave Him A Thumbs Down, As I Wiped My Face.

"Well Your Husband Insisted We Give You Some Pain Medicine Before You Could Wake Up, So You're Not Due For Another Dosage For Another Hour." He Said.

"Okay." I Said.

"We're Also Going To Give You Something For The Swelling In Your Face And Eye." He Said. Wow...Thanks For Reminding Me.

"But As Far As Everything Else Goes, Your X-Rays Came Back Normal, You Have A Slight Swelling To Your Head, But Nothing Severe. We Also Have Your Blood Test Results. Everything Looks Good...And Your Pregnancy Test Came Back Positive." He Said.

"POSITIVE?!" Me And Marvin Said At The Same Time.

"Yes Positive. Congratulations." He Said.

"But...I Have My Tubes Tied!" I Said.

"Tubial Surgery Isn't Always 100% Accurate. I've Met Tons Of Women Who Have Had Their Tubes Tied And Magically Became Pregnant. And You Are Now One Of Those Women." He Said. Well Ain't This A Bitch.

"How Far Along Am I?" I Asked.

"About Six Or Seven Weeks Along, But That's Just A Guesstimate. We'll Have To Give You An Ultrasound." He Said. I Nodded.

"Any Questions For Me?" He Asked. I Shook My Head.

"No Questions, But Can Get Some Water?" I Said.

"Shit Can I Get A Joint?" I Heard Marvin Say Under His Breath. I Held In My Laugh As The Doctor Nodded And Left The Room.

"A Joint? Really?" I Laughed.

"Hell Yeah! I Need One." He Said.

"Can I Hit It?" I Asked.

"Hell Naw!" He Said.

"Ugh Why?" I Said.

"Two Reason. For One....You Don't Even Smoke. And For Two...You're Carrying Yet Another One Of My Seeds." He Said. I Giggled.

"Whatever." I Said. He Rubbed My Stomach.

"I Got Mutant Sperms!" He Said.

"You Really Do! Oh My God...Another Baby?" I Said.

"Let's Hope For Another Boy." He Said.

"Or Girl." I Said.

"NO! No More Girls! We Need A Boy To Even Out Our Crew." He Said.

"Oh Hush! Happy And Healthy Will Do Us Just Fine." I Said.

"Yeah You Right, But You Gotta Tell The Kids." He Said.

"Oh...I Miss My Babies. Where Are They?" I Asked.

"With Your Parents. Which Reminds Me, I Told Them I'd Call Them When You Woke Up." He Said.

"It's Gonna Suck For Them Seeing Me Like This." I Said.

"Hopefully The Swelling Goes Down Cause They'll Be Here Tomorrow To See You." He Said. I Groaned.

"Okay." I Said. He Kissed Me.

"Don't Act Like That. Now I'm Gon Run Home And Get You Some Clothes And Check On The Kids. I'll Be Back In Less Than An Hour." He Said.

"Okay, And Babe?" I Said.

"What's Up?" He Said.

"Take A Shower." I Said. He Laughed.

"Shut Up. I Am!" He Said. I Giggled As He Left The Room. I Laid Back And Sighed. Why Does Everything Always Happen To Me? Ugh!

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