Chapter 26

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                One Month Later...

"Ouch!" I Squealed.

"That's Why I Said Move Back. I Got This." Marvin Said.

"Whatever. I Wanted To Help! This Is A Big Step For Me." I Said. We Were Setting Up Aubree's Toddler Bed And I Couldn't Believe It Was That Time.

"Well Baby She'll Be 3 This Weekend So We Need To Get The Ball Rolling." He Said.

"The Ball Is Rolling Too Fast!" I Said. He Laughed.

"You're Just Over Dramatic." He Said. I Rolled My Eyes. Yes...I Can Successfully Roll My Eyes Again!

"I'm Not Over Dramatic! I'm Just A Mother!" I Said.

"And I'm A Father. As Much As I Don't Want My Youngest Baby Girl To Get Older...It Has To Be Done." He Said.

"You Know You're Extremely Calm About This. Last Year You Were Emotional And All." I Said.

"True, But Last Year You Weren't Pregnant." He Said. I Giggled.

"Whatever." I Said.

"I'm Done. What Do You Think?" He Said.

"It's Nice." I Said.

"Nice? You Got A Handy Man On Your Team." He Said.

"I Got More Than A Handy Man." I Said, Wrapping My Arms Around His Neck And Kissing Him.

"Mm. I Think I Know What You Got In Mind, And It Ain't Gon Happen." He Said. I Whined.

"Please! We Haven't Had Any Sexual Contact In A Month! I'm At My Limit!" I Said.

"No Baby." He Said.

"I Know The Swelling Has Went Down, I Don't Possibly Have A Period, And We're Alone. So Why Can't We?" I Said.

"Check The Time." He Said, Smiling. I Looked At The Time And Sighed. It Was Pretty Much Time To Go Get The Kids.

"Hey." He Said. He Kissed Me Long And Hard.

"Tonight Baby. I Got Ya." He Said.

"I Guess." I Murmured.

"Don't We Got A Party To Plan? Stop Thinking About Sex And Think About How You're Gonna Tell Your Family That You're Pregnant." He Said.

"I'm Just Gonna Tell Them At Aubree's Party. And Ima Do It Nonchalantly Before We Sing Happy Birthday." I Said. He Laughed.

"If That's What You Wanna Do." He Said.

"It Is." I Said.


I Was Laid Out On The Couch Waiting For Marvin To Return With The Kids.

"Mia Just Talk To Me!" I Heard Kaiden Say. I Sat Up And Saw Mia Running Upstairs And Kaiden Following.

"Mia!" Kaiden Said. Oh Wow.

"Kaiden Come Here." I Said. He Came Downstairs And Flopped Down On The Couch.

"What's Going On?" I Asked.

"Mia Is Mad Because While I Was Waiting For Her Outside Of Her School, Some Girls Approached Me And Started Talking To Me. I Was Just Being Friendly And Talking Back." He Said.

"That's It?" I Said.

"Yeah! She's Been Acting Weird Lately. I Don't Know What To Do." He Said.

"Do You Want Me To Go Talk To Her?" I Asked.

"Please! See What Her Deal Is." He Said. Before I Could Respond, I Heard Aubree Crying.

"I'll Get Her." He Said. I Nodded And Headed Upstairs.

"Mia? Honey It's Me, Open The Door." I Said, Knocking On The Door.

"Is Kaiden With You?" She Said.

"No. It's Just Me." I Said. She Unlocked The Door, And Let Me In.

"What's Going On?" I Asked.

"Nothing. Everything's Fine." She Said.

"You Can Drop The Act. I Know Something Is Wrong." I Said. She Sighed.

"I Miss My Mom. She Was My Only Parent, Besides My Grandpa And With Her In Jail And My Grandpa In Dubai...I Feel So...Alone." She Said.

"I Understand. And You Know You Can Stay With Us. We All Love Having You Here." I Said.

"Not After This." She Murmured.

"After What?" I Said. I Held My Breath Cause I KNEW What She Was Finna Tell Me.

"I'm Late." She Said. I KNEW IT!

"Have You Taken A Test?" I Asked. She Shook Her Head.

"That's Why I've Been So Moody. I'm Stressed Out About This. I'm Not Ready For Kids Yet." She Said. I Sighed.

"Come On." I Said.

"Where Are We Going?" She Asked.

"To Get You A Pregnancy Test." I Said. We Got Up And Headed Downstairs.

"Kaiden Keep An Eye On Aubree. We'll Be Back, And Don't Ask Questions." I Said.

"Okay...?" He Said. We Headed Out To The Car And Quickly Got In.

"Are You Mad?" She Asked.

"No. I'm A Little Upset That Y'all Weren't Using Protection, But I'm Not Mad." I Said. She Said Nothing As We Got Headed Into The Store.

"Should We Get The Cheapest One?" She Asked.

"No. They're Not Always Accurate. I'm Going To Get You A First Response." I Said. I Grabbed A Test And Headed To The Bathroom.

"Are You Going To Pay For That?" She Asked.

"Of Course. Kaiden's Sister, Kinslee, And Her Mom Work Here. They Won't Mind." I Said, Handing Her The Test. She Grabbed It And Walked Into The Stall. I Did A Silent Prayer As She Took The Test. Please Don't Let My Son And His Girlfriend Be Having A Baby. Please, Please, Please! Moments Later, She Came Out The Stall.

"Now What?" She Said.

"Now We Wait." I Said.

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