Chapter 14

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My Day Has Been So Hectic And Its FAR From Over. I Finally Had A Moment To Just Sit And Rest My Feet, But That Didn't Last Long.

"Kaidence, The Doctor Wants You To Go Take A Look At This One Week Old Baby. Just See What's Wrong With Him." Melanie Said Handing Me The Chart. I Groaned As I Got Up.

"Relax Mami. We'll Be Off Soon." She Said.

"I Guess." I Said. I Hurried To The Room And Walked In. The Newborn Baby Was Crying His Eyes Out As I Washed My Hands.

"Hi, I'm Kaidence. What Seems To Be The Problem?" I Asked.

"He Won't Stop Crying! He Hasn't Ate Since This Morning And I'm So Worried." She Said. I Gently Grabbed The Small Newborn And Held Him.

"He's Cute. What's His Name?" I Asked.

"Thanks And His Name Is Brian." She Said. I Laid Him Down And Began To Check His Breathing.

"His Breathing Is Fine." I Said. I Laid Him Down And Gently Looked In His Mouth. He Cried Harder As I Tried To Examine Him. He Was So Fussy!

"His Mouth Is Dry." I Said  Handing Him Back To Her.

"I'm Going To Let The Doctor Know, And Bring Him A Little Sugar Water." I Said.

"Is He Going To Be Okay?" She Asked.

"He'll Be Fine. We'll Make His Mouth Undry And Then You Should Definitely Feed Him Right Away." I Said. She Nodded As I Walked Out The Room. I Told The Doctor About The Baby, And Hurried To Get Some Sugar Water Swabs. When I Returned To The Room, The Baby Was Crying Once Again And I Gently Grabbed Him.

"Here You Brian." I Said, Gently Swirling The Swab Around His Mouth. He Began Tasting It And Immediately Began To Drool. He Calmed Down A Little Bit As I Gently Rocked Him In My Arms.

"Much Better." I Said. I Handed Him Back To Her.

"You Should Feed Him Now. The Doctor Will Be In Shortly." I Said.

"Thank You. You Were So Good With Him. Do You Have Kids?" She Asked. I Nodded.

"I Have Five." I Said.

"Five? Oh Wow." She Said. I Giggled And Nodded.

"After Baby Number One, It Just Seems So Easy. You Know What To Expect." I Said. She Was About To Say Something Else Until The Doctor Came In. I Hurried And Excused Myself Out Of The Room, As I Made My Way To The Desk.

"Have You Talked To Marvin Today?" Melanie Asked As I Sat Down.

"No...Why?" I Asked.

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