Chapter 41

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Now What Woman Do You Know Has Been Through The Absolute Most, And Is Almost FIVE Months Pregnant? Clearly I'm That Woman! I've Been So Stressed Out Lately That I'm Surprised That I Haven't Had A Darn Miscarrige! Though...That Would Be Very Devestating To Me, Marvin, And Our Kids. *Sigh* I Ended Up Taking The Girls To The Hospital So I Could Make Sure They Were Both Okay And Still Healthy. According To The Doctors, They Were Drugged Up Heavily And Is Very Dehydrated, So They Are Keeping Them Overnight. Great....Just What I Need, And To Make Matters Worse, I Don't Even Know The Condition That Marvin's In! Ugh....I'm Starting To Hate My Life. I Decided To Called My Parents And See Could They Babysit MJ And Aubree For A Few Days, And Of Course They Told Me Yes. I Called Kaiden And Told Him To Drop The Kids Off And Meet Me At The Hospital ASAP. I Then Walked Up To Front Desk To Ask About Marvin.

"Kaidence!" Somebody Yelled. I Turned And Saw Kevin.

"Hey Kevin." I Said.

"I Got Your Message Is Marvin Okay?" He Said. I Shrugged.

"Mrs. Smith, A Doctor Will Be Out To Speak To You In Just A Minute." Said The Nurse. I Sighed And Slowly Went To Sit Down And Just Started To Cry.

"Kaidence You Have To Be Strong. Marv Needs You To Be Strong." He Said.

"I Can't! I've Tried To Be Strong And I Just Can't! Plus My Hormones Are All Over The Place!" I Said.

"That's Understandable, But He Needs You To Be Strong. Your Kids Need You To Be Strong. This New Baby....He Needs You To Be Strong Too." He Said.

"He? How Do You Know If Its A Boy?" I Asked.

"Boy, Girl, It! Hell...Whatever It Is, IT Needs You! Just Like Marvin." He Said. I Wiped My Face And Hugged Him.

"Thanks Kevin." I Said.

"No Problem. You're Like A Sister To Me And I'm Here For You." He Said.

"Mrs. Smith?" Said The Doctor. I Quickly Got Up And Approached The Doctor.

"Yes?" I Said.

"Mr. Smith Is In Critical Condition." He Said.

"Okay Anddd?" I Said, Wishing He Would Stop Being Dramatic.

"The Bullet Is In Really Deep And We're Taking Him Back Into Surgery, But This Can Go One Or Two Ways. He'll Live Or He'll Die." He Said.

"Oh God No!" I Cried. Kevin Held Me As He Told The Doctor To Continue.

"That Was About It. I Wish You The Best Of Luck, And We'll Try Our Hardest To Keep Him Here." He Said. He Turned And Walked Off As I Cried Hysterically.

"I'm Staying With You Tonight. You Need Me." Kevin Said.

"Thanks." I Said Through My Muffled Sobs.


I Slowly Opened My Eyes To A Dark Room. I Could Hear The Faint Sounds Of The Televison And I Realized Im At The Hospital.

"Shit! Marvin!" I Said, Quickly Sitting Up.

"Hey Pregnant Lady Relax. I Haven't Heard Anything About Marvin Yet, But I Was Just About To Go Check On Him." Kevin Said.

"Oh Okay. I'll Come With You." I Said.

"You Sure? You Look Exhausted And You Were Sleeping Good." He Said.

"I'm Really Sure." I Said.

"Aight Cool, And Don't Step On Kaiden. Him And The Twins Just Fell Back Asleep." He Said. I Nodded And Followed Kevin Out The Door.

"Fuck I'm So Nauseous." I Said.

"Aye Take Your Ass To The Bathroom With That!" He Said. I Laughed.

"Shut Up!" I Said. We Approached The Front Desk As He Asked About Marvin.

"I'm Sorry...." She Said. My Heart Literally Fell Out Of My Chest, Into My Stomach, And Out My Vagina!

"Wait...Is Your Husband Martin Smith?" She Asked.

"No. Marvin Smith." I Said.

"Oh! I Apologize! He Did Well In Surgery And Is Recovering Nicely. He's In Room 355. You Can Go Right In And See Him." She Said. I Quickly Hurried Down The Hall Until I Made It To His Room. I Walked In And Saw Him Laying In Bed.

"Oh Marvin!" I Said As I Squated Next To Him.

"Where They Shoot Him At?" Kevin Asked.

"His Lower Back And His Side." I Said.

"It's Actually Grazed." Marvin Said.

"Oh My God! Babe! Are You Okay?" I Asked.

"Yeah I'm Good. Sore As Hell, But Good. It's Gon Take More Than Bullets To Kill Me Baby." He Said. I Giggled.

"Welcome Back Man!" Kevin Said.

"It's Good To Be Back. Though I Didn't Go Nowhere." He Said.

"I Feel Ya Man. I Had To Keep Ya Girl Calm After Her Numerous Break Downs." He Said.

"Shut Up!" I Said.

"Aww Baby. Don't Be Stressin Yourself Or Our Baby Out." He Said.

"Umm You Got Shot Right In Front Of Me And I Didn't Know If You Were Going Make It Or Not!" I Snapped.

"Aye Kevin...Step Out Real Quick." Marvin Said. He Nodded And Stepped Out.

"Come Here." He Said. I Sat On The Edge Of His Bed And He Grabbed My Hand.

"You Know I Worry So Much....And This Has Been The Most Stressful Pregnancy Ever! Like....This Baby Is Probably Gonna Be The Problem Child Cause I've Put It Through So Much Stress!" I Said.

"Shut Up, Red! This Baby Is Gon Be Just Like Our Other Kids....Bad As Hell, But With A Good Head On Its Shoulders. So For The Rest Of This Pregnancy....NO Stressing, And NO Worrying. And I Will Make Sure You Do What I Say!" He Said. Jeez....For Somebody Who Just Got Shot, He Is Sooo Demanding!

"Give Me Them Lips! I Miss Em." He Said. I Leaned Down And Kissed Him....Mmm.....No Stressing? No Worrying? I Think I Can Get Use To That!

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