Chapter 23

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I Fell To The Ground Hard. I Sighed With Relief As I Pushed Rich's Now Dead Body Off Of Me.

"You Okay Man?" Kevin Said. I Nodded As He Helped Me Up.

"How Did You Know I Needed Help?" I Asked.

"This Fool Left His Phone In The Car And It Started Ringing. It Was A Text From Vic Asking Was You Dead Yet. I Then Knew He Was Working With Them And I Came To Help You." He Said.

"And You Came In Right On Time." I Said.

"So Where Is Kaidence And Kaiden?" He Asked.

"A Warehouse On The Outskirts Of Town. We Gotta Go!" I Said. We Ran Out Of The Building And Hopped In The Car. Kevin Sped On To The Main Road And Headed Towards The Interstate.

"Man I Told You Victor Was Behind All This!" He Snapped.

"I Know, But He's Not Alone. April's Helping Him." I Said.

"WHAT?! Aw Hell Naw! We Should Kill Her Ass Too!" He Snapped.

"Oh We Are!" I Said.


"Man Where The Hell Is This Warehouse?" Kevin Snapped.

"Calm Down. It's Around Here Somewhere." I Said.

"How Can You Be So Calm? Your Wife And Kid Is In Danger." He Said.

"I'm Not Calm, But I'm Not Panicking." I Said. Little Did He Know, I Was Flipping Out On The Inside. If Anything Happens To Kaidence Or Kaiden, Or Both! I'd Be Devastated.

"There It Go!" Kevin Said. He Turned Off The Main Road And Pulled In Front Of The Warehouse.

"Let's Go!" I Said. We Hopped Out The Car And Ran To The Door.

I Kicked It Opened And Ran In. I Heard Kaiden Screaming And Sounding Like He Was Struggling. I Kicked In The Second Door, And Saw Victor On Top Of Kaiden, Choking Him. I Ran Up Behind Him, And Yanked Him Off Of Kaiden. I Pistol Whipped Him Across The Face And He Passed Out. I Turned To Kaiden Who Was Coughing And Gasping For Air.

"Are You Okay?" I Asked. He Nodded.

"Mom! Go Help Mom!" He Said Through His Coughs. I Looked Up And Saw Kaidence Laying There Lifeless.

"Shit! Baby!" I Said. I Crawled Over To Her And Pulled Her Into My Lap. Her Face Was Swollen And Bloody.

"Baby Wake Up." I Said Checking Her Pulse. She Didn't Move.

"Baby! Come On Red." I Said. She Still Didn't Move. I Got Up And Charged Over At Victor. I Began Beating His Face In And Then I Realized I Didn't Have Time For This! I Grabbed My Gun And Cocked It.

"This Is For My Fucking Wife!" I Snapped, Putting Three Hot Ones In Him. Two In His Chest, And One In His Head. I Then Grabbed April By Her Hair And Lifted Her Off Her Feet.

"Wait No! Please No!" Mia Cried.

"Kill Me! Go Ahead!" April Said.

"NO! Please Mr. Smith! Don't Kill Her! She's My Mom!" Mia Cried. I Continued To Strangle April.

"And By What She Told Me, You're My Dad!" She Said. I Dropped April And Glanced At Mia. The Fuck Did April Tell This Girl?

"I NEVER Slept With Her! She Lied!" I Said.

"So What! Yeah I Lied!" April Said, Catching Her Breath.

"How Could You Lie? I Thought You Were Serious!" Mia Cried. I Grabbed April By Her Neck And Gripped It Tight.

"If You EVER Come Near My Family Again, I Will Kill You!" I Snapped. I Slammed Her Head Against The Concrete Floor And Stood Up. I Walked Over To Kaidence And Scooped Her Up In My Arms.

"Let's Get Y'all To The Hospital." I Said. I Carried Kaidence To The Car As Kaiden And Mia Followed.

"Mia Come Back Here!" April Screamed.

"No!" She Said. We Hopped Into The Car And Kevin Sped To The Hospital.

"Baby We're Going To The Hospital. Just Hold Tight." I Said. I Was So Hurt And Pissed Off.

"Dad Do You Think She'll Be Okay?" Kaiden Asked.

"Your Mom Is Strong....She'll Pull Through." I Said. At Least I Hope She Does. Once We Got To The Hospital, I Hurried In With Kaidence In My Arms.

"I Need Help For My Wife, My Son, And His Girlfriend!" I Said. They Told Me To Lay Kaidence On A Stretcher As They Rushed Her Back. All Eyes Was On Me And Kevin As We Stood In The Lobby.

"Excuse Me Gentleman." Two Officers Said Approaching Us.

"We Have To Ask Y'all A Few Questions." One Man Said.

"Man Fuck That! Can't Y'all See I'm Upset Bout My Damn Wife! Back The Fuck Up!" I Snapped.

"Sir Calm Down. We Were Notified By The Doctors That Your Wife Was Beaten Badly." He Said.

"Beaten Badly By Another Nigga!" Kevin Snapped.

"I'm Sorry What Now?" He Said.

"This Man Kidnapped His Wife, Beat Her And They Son, And Then Took His Own Life!" Kevin Said.

"Oh? So What's With...All The Blood On You Two?" He Asked. Was He Fucking Serious?

"My Wife Was Bleeding Bad! I Had Her Held Against Me Man! Y'all Pissing Me The Fuck Off!" I Snapped.

"Calm Down Marv." Kevin Said.

"We'll Keep In Touch, But This Isn't Over." He Said As They Walked Off.

"I Mean The Nerve Of Them Dicks! What The Fuck!" I Snapped.

"Just Calm Down. Go Make Sure Your Wife Is Straight. I'll Come Back Later On." He Said.

"Aight, And Thanks Man." I Said. I Owed Kevin My Life, And I Was Glad That My Nigga Had My Back Today. Cause If Not....I Would've Been Dead.

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