𝟎𝟎𝟐, 𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐡 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞

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valentina woke up very early in the morning for no reason, so she decided to go into work early.

since tim is still out, valentina needed a training officer and she got scott wrigley. valentina had no idea what he was like but she hoped he was nothing like bradford.

wrigley got the gear and the two guns. scott wrigley was being extremely nice to valentina, which is surprising since currently all she is used to is tests.

" a morning of rolling stop citations should take us nicely into lunch " wrigley said as he parked the car.

" we're going to sit here all morning?" valentina questioned him, what's the point of the being a cop if you're not doing anything actually good.

" hey, writing tickets is the heart of the job." wrigley said. honestly he should not be on patrol with that mindset.

" are you going to quiz me or something?" valentina asked him which was responded with a simple no.

scott was right, sitting there all morning took them straight into work. scott had dropped valentina off at a restaurant and went home to eat.

valentina only got fries and just sat there, writing in the notepad she was given.

" why the long face boot?" tim asked walking towards the table.

" hi? what are you doing here?" valentina asked confused on why he's in the restaurant when he should be resting.

" heard you got wrigley. he always dumps his rookies here while he goes home to eat mac and cheese in his undies. " tim said which made ivory laugh a little.

" why are you here though ?" valentina asked him again.

" i live around the corner, i was getting takeout." tim said and valentina wasn't buying it. a call had come in and tim told her to go after it even if she's on foot.

valentina did what tim said, and she caught the man and right on time, wrigley came around the corner in the shop.

valentina processed the man, very easy compared to what jackson had to go through. in the break room she was met with the only people she liked and knew at the station.

" i feel like im fuckin' goldilocks. like this training officer's too hard and the other one is too soft." valentina ranted to the other three rookies.

" i dont know. an afternoon of traffic stops sounds good right about now. " jackson said tasting his coffee.

" who are you and what have you done with officer extra credit? and yes thats what we called you back at the academy " nolan questioned him, in valentina's defense the only people who called him that was john and lucy.

" always the first to volunteer, the most prepared rookie in the history of the LAPD. " lucy said as she sat down across from john.

" i'm still that guy " jackson attempted to defend himself.

" no you're not. " valentina said sitting down at the table.

" officer west, time to go. " officer lopez said cutting jacksons break short, which made him rush out. deciding not to third wheel, valentina went on her phone.

the rest of valentina's shift was the exact same, parked shop and not taking calls. valentina actually misses officer bradford, he took calls and he was not a lazy officer.

the next shift was the exact same as the day before, except officer bishop and nolan needed help.

" i'm going, i don't care if you're with me or not " valentina said before getting in the car. wrigley actually came with surprisingly.

they found emma, the other missing girl. wrigley stayed and watched her while john and valentina ran after the man. they got him to a stop when nolan tackled him, then repeatedly punched him because of what he had done to those girls.

after shift, valentine noticed officer wrigley and officer bradford talking. valentine walked towards them, causing their conversation to be cut short when officer wigley noticed her.

" great working with you officer santos. " wrigley said as the two faced her.

" mhm, you too sir. " valentina said and he walked away.

" im cleared for duty. turned in my paperwork. " tim told valentina, who already knew that since he was in the station.

valentina stared at him for a little bit wondering why all of a sudden tim is talking to wrigley, until she came up with the conclusion of him assigning her to wrigley.

" you had me assigned to him didn't you?" valentina asked him.

" everything is a test, officer santos. lucky for you, you passed this one. now if you had been cool half-assing it with wrigley then i'd know you weren't serious about becoming a good cop. " tim explained to her, her face showed no emotion at all but inside she was fighting the urge to beat his ass.

" with all due respect sir, you're getting really annoying . " valentina said, that's definitely not something you should say to you're training officer but it's completely true.

" thats my job. now get some rest. see you tommorow. " tim didnt even give her a chance to reply, so she just went to the locker room, changed out of uniform and then went home.


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