019, checklist.

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starting off valentina's day she had a surprise. her entire is family is down in LA to see her and koa. which isn't normally bad for any other family but since nobody in her family, other than her dad, come down to see them. 

going into work john was complaining about how there is nothing he can do to help talia out with her punishment for lying on her report about her foster brother who is a criminal. jackson was reminding them that they are rookies and don't get a say in this stuff and lucy saying they have to focus on themselves. 

during roll call, they were told that their was certain things they needed to complete in order to take the 6 month exam, lucy needs 7 things to complete, jackson needs 3, john needs 0 and valentina needs 3. valentina needs car theft, destruction of city property and ethical dilemma.

this had lucy and valentina stressing, now valentina did need as much as lucy but valentina still needed 3 and she wasn't sure on how she was supposed to get someone to steal a car and destroy city property. ethical dilemma is something valentina can do but not getting someone to destroy city property, and assault an officer. 

during patrol valentina was stressed out and tim wasn't helping. they were currently searching someone for drugs, and turns out the man was clean. he got his 30 day chip was motivated to stay clean after that. 

" i know i only have 3 things to get checked, but i don't know how lucky i am to get someone to destroy city property, assault a officer and steal a car. " valentina told tim after getting inside the car, they had another call to take about a robbery.

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