𝟎𝟏𝟖, 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐭

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going into work the next day, internal affairs arrested Jenkins, the robbery homicide detective. after sergeant walked in with commander west and the new captain which was Valentina's dad.

" look it's never a good day when one of your own gets arrested. im sure you have questions that commander west is here to answer. commander " sergeant said to everyone .

" thank you sergeant. after an extensive investigation, we found clear evidence that, ten years ago detective Jenkins lied on the witness stand. because he lied a innocent women was convicted of murder in the first. " commander west explained to everyone.

" so she's been in jail this entire time?" Lucy asked him.

" yes, Samantha bennet , she was released two days ago. In addition to charging Jenkins with perjury, we've placed on the Brady list. " commander answered her questions.

" whats the Brady list?" John asked him.

" its a record of law enforcement officers, who've withheld exculpatory evidence." Jackson responded to him.

" its a list of dirty cops." talia said just telling it straightforward.

" IA has reviewed all of Jenkins past convections. " sergeant explained te rest of what had happened to jenkins and at the end of roll call told us all to be careful.  sergeant had assigned everyone people they need to talk to valentina and tim had got max kegel who was doing 25 to life for drug trafficking.  

tim and valentina were at the hospitial, talking about whatever cam e to mind.

" why are the extra shifts? " valentina asked walking down the hall.

" why not? i've got hours to fill when i'm not studying. " tim said.

" okay but don't you need to take a break sometimes? what do you do to relax " valentina questioned.

" work out, and don't tell me just because it has work in the title, it doesn't count" tim said predicting what valentina was gonna say before she even had the chance to say it.

" it's true though, you need a hobby something you do for fun. " valentina informed him as they got to the patients room. the man they had to talk to was max kegel who was in the hospital for food poisoning .

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