𝟎𝟏𝟔, 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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the four rookies sat in the roll call room just talking with eachother.

" let's go boots " tim said to the four rookies since captain anderson decided to say something. She told them all that internal affairs were going to be doing integrity tests for that whole week.

valentina and tim were sitting in the car on a quiet but busy street, talking about the tests.

" i understand why they're doing the tests, cops also dont have the best reputation right now either maybe the tests help the public trust us?" valentina suggested, tim clearly thinks the tests are a waste of time.

" and how are we supposed to trust each other, if our fellow officers are trying to trick us into screwing up?" tim asked her, valentina looked at him funny before saying something.

" i ask myself that everyday actually." valentina said clearly hinting at their own situation.

" that's different, i do it to make you a better cop not betray you." tim said trying to justify it, when really its not that different.

" not so different actually." valentina said, a car that was sitting at the stop sign, was honking at the cars infront of him before swerving and speeding down the road.

quickly tim turned on the sirens and started following the car. valentina went up to drivers side of the car to ask him questions and then give him a ticket.

the man rolled down his window and smiled at the surprised face valentina made, it was central cee behind the wheel.

valentina laughed at something he said when tim had come up next to her, it's not like they were even making small talk he had just said something funny when he rolled down the window.

" license and registration ?" tim requested looking at the man.

" yes sir, im so sorry. I can't believe I did that. i've never ran a stop sign before." central cee said giving tim his information. tim went through his information while valentina and central cee were talking.

" uh officer is there any way you can let me off with a warning? its just that im really late right now and i have someone waiting for me at the studio. " central cee asked tim.

" you ran a stop sign. we could arrest you for it. " tim told him.

" arrest me? come on, it's a nice quiet street, there's no harm done. you know I can get you front row tickets for anything you'd like to see. " central cee said looking at valentina just because they had a normal conversation.

" okay sir , bribery of a public officer is in violation of code" tim didn't finish his sentence cause he started looking around for something or someone specific.

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