𝟎𝟎𝟒, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡

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valentina was woken up by koa crying, koa sleeps in valentina's room since he's only ten months old, almost a year but valentina has taken care of him since he was five months.

it took everything for that baby to go back to sleep, but eventually he did but by that time valentina had to get ready.

all rookies had different training officers, jackson got bradford, lucy got bishop, nolan got lopez and valentina got johnson. from what lucy says johnson is a easy person to talk to, nice but strict when needed.

they all tried to gain insight from eachother, valentina wasn't even talking to them.

lucy was completely correct about johnson, both able to talk to eachother about anything.

" i have a older brother, one younger sister. huge fan of the bengals, im from ohio actually. could've gone to the NFL injured my arm and leg missed my chance. being a cop was my second choice " johnson explained while we were parked in the alley.

" im sorry about the missed chance for NFL, how did you know you wanted to become a cop? " valentina asked him, this might be the easiest thing ever.

" the cop that arrested my dad helped me get through a lot, he was the father that i didn't have. so anyway what about you? what's your background?" johnson explained to her, that was what she needed to win the day off but he shared something about himself so she'll do the same.

" i have three older brothers, one younger. the one brother is two years older than me, the others are early thirties and my younger brother isnt even a year yet. i made the decision that i'll be a cop when i was thirteen and because of my dad." valentina explained to him, the rest of their shift was just them talking about personal lives and getting to know eachother between calls.

they had next shift together as well, sergeant gave us 72 hours to get to know something about their t'o. it was so easy to talk to johnson, valentina doesnt really talk about family issues or her past but officer johnson made it so easy.

in the briefing room, nolan, bishop, bradford, johnson, chen, lopez, sergeant grey and officer santos were all talking about a exchange that was going to be made in broad daylight.

" according to garcia, the exchange is going down at stoneson home supply on sunset. " sergeant grey walked in.

" they're gonna make a drug deal in the parking lot in broad daylight ?" lucy questioned cause it just sounds odd.

" box stores are the perfect cover. busy parking lots, multiple exits. they hide in the chaos. " tom answered her question.

" at 1500 hours, a car loaded with 80 kilos of cocaine, driving up from mexico will land in the parking lot. the driver will walk away. a runner for the buyer, will climb behind the wheel and drive off. the whole thing takes 90 seconds. " sergeant grey explained to everyone.

" according to nestor, the shipment is in a red civic with nevada plates " officer lopez stated.

" now the parking lot only has two access points. officer bradford you'll br parked out of sight over there. officer bishop, you'll have all eyes on this exit here. " sergeant grey pointed out the positions on the map he has.

" we need to know exactly when the car lands. so we need eyes on the whole parking lot. you will be with me here. " sergeant grey said moving the plastic car. they all got in their cars and drove to the location and got i position.

sergeant made the call about the suspect, he switched cars and eventually escaped. even after being blocked in by cops, so officer bishop, lucy and officer johnson and valentina chased the car. bishop hit the red civic and it crashed into something which made it stop.

at the end of shift four rookies stood in the bullpen, because of the whole task sergeant gave them.

" moment of truth is upon us. end of shift. time to come clean. what did you learn about your t.o's? officer west. " sergeant stopped infront of jackson.

" sorry sir. i was unable to gain any insight into officer bradford. " jackson answered, sergeant said it's disappointing and moved on to lucy, which had the same answer as jackson. he then stood infront of valentina waiting for her answer.

" officer johnson had told me he became a cop because of a cop that became the father figure, thay his biological father failed to do. " valentina explained to him.

" great work officer santos. officer nolan? "  sergeant once again stopped infront of the said officer.

" sorry sir. just as stumped as the others " nolan replied, how could none of them get any insight on them was what valentina was wondering.

" so that means officer johnson and officer santos win the contest. though tommorow the ones that failed the contest will have a test on your rook books. " sergeant announced, valentina and officer johnson gave each other a smile. as a rookie you don't get many days off so valentina already knew how she was gonna spend it.

valentina went home and saw that vinnie and koa were sleeping on the couch while a kids show played. valentina took out her phone and took a picture of them. valentina took koa from vinnie's arms and took him up to her room.

lucy had called valentina, of course valentina answered and all that valentina heard was her crying. of course valentina tried to help and ask whay was wrong but it all was incoherent. so as any friend would valentina rushed over to lucy's house with koa.

" hey what happened? " valentina asked as she sat down on lucy's bed.

" i don't know if you know but me and nolan were dating and he just broke up with me. bishop had found out and told me to break things off with him, so i went to do that tonight, and he just did it like it was nothing. like i meant nothing." lucy explained to valentina. valentina made sure lucy was gonna be okay before she went home.


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