𝟎𝟎𝟓, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐩

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the four rookie were in uniform at a kid's birthday party, it was their day off and sergeant grey had them doing whatever at a party. valentina was helping jackson set up a table for the party. nolan saved a kid that was close to death, since the kid fell in the pool.

valentina was in the kitchen with koa just eating, koa was in his high chair with cheerios. valentina was up early and so was koa so valentina decided to go downstairs. vinnie was up shortly after it was time for valentina to go to work.

vinnie doesn't really have much of a busy schedule since his job is being a influencer, streamer, makes music and makes content on platforms like tiktok and youtube.

in the briefing room front row sat the rookies, jackson and valentina having a conversation while john and lucy sat there in silence. it's been insanely awkward between the two.

" settle down, settle down. listen everyone knows what today is. and i just want to say that team bradford, is gonna doninate once again. " tim announced at the podium were sergeant gray usually is, everyone is back to their assigned training officer's.

" dominate what? " john turned to the three rookies by his side.

" the roundup. happens every year when the rookies are a month into the job. t'o's sponsor a competition for the most felony arrests in one shift. " jackosn explained to him.

" sounds like fun. " john said, the three rookies looked at him with confused faces. " what?" john asked.

" we were all there when pub trivia almost got violent. " lucy reminded the older man.

" i like a little healthy competition. " john tried to defend himself.

" are you kidding? you're cutthroat and relentless. which i respect. " jackson added his two cents, john nodded and turned his head to the bald man that walked in the room.

" all right settle down. don't think i didn't see you open up in ny spot, bradford. " sergeant grey said walking to the podium.

" so i am aware that today is the day, where t.o units compete for most arrests. under no circumstances does the department endorse this.  meaning i don't wanna hear about your points or strategy. am i clear officer bradford? " sergeant grey approached the desk the training officers were sitting at.

after role call, tim and valentina were walking to get their gear while tim explains that they win at any costs.

" hold up boot. " tim said, valentina stopped walking and looked back at him to see what he wanted, he opened the gear bag and took out a present.

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