𝟎𝟎𝟗, 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝

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" all right look alive, look alive. officer nolan you ready?" sergeant grey said to nolan.

" yes sir " nolan answered.

" good, now answer me this. what is your favorite part about the job? and don't say to make a difference. " sergeant grey asked him.

" oh i wasn't going to. but it is." john said to him.

" what's your least favorite?" sergeant asked.

" oh thats easy, paperwork. " john answered.

" imagine how i feel " captain anderson said as she walked in, looking ready for patrol, everyone clapped and cheered when she walked in.

" most of what a captain does is paperwork, cause of that, i feel like i've lost touch with what being a cop is responsible about. people. it's not only the citizens that we serve and protect.

its every single one of you in this room. so to remedy that, sergeant grey and i are gonna ride patrol today." captain anderson finished off her speech.

" together? " tim asked them.

" no we're each going to ride with a rookie and their respective t.o's will pair up " captain explained.

" ma'am i'd be honored if you'd ride with me " jackson said from besides valentina, sergeant grey made a face to what jackson said.

" that is sweet officer west. but today i'm riding with officer chen. " captain said with a smile on her face.

" sergeant grey i'd be honored if you rode with officer west today " john volunteered jackson.

" thats cute officer nolan, but you know my heart belongs to you. " sergeant grey said crossing his arms.

" officer santos, officer bradford and officer bishop are riding together so you'll be working front desk. " sergeant grey told me, after he excused everyone i went to the front desk.

" boot, go get our gear. " tim walked up to me at the front desk, i was confused because i'm not even riding patrol today but since he is my t.o i have no choice but to abide by his orders.

" official santos, who's gear are you getting?" captain anderson asked me.

" officer bradford's? " i answered, she looked at me and sighed.

" bradford, bishop! " she stepped back and yelled.

" yes captain?" officer bishop asked .

" officer santos is nobody's boot today, is that perfectly clear?" captain told them, i could tell that they were both annoyed and didn't want to.

" get your gear. " captain said to them, officer bishop and bradford walked up to where i was standing and grabbed their gear. i thanked the captain before going back to the front desk.

my day was extremely slow, a lot of people go to the front desk but it's still slow. i had a great amount of time to check on vinnie and koa, do the paperwork i have to do.

captain came to the front desk to get stats for someone, a man came up to her asking a bout a murder. many officers including myself took out our guns. we didn't point it at him but had it out incase.

" in your previous crimes did you, use a gun?" she asked the man.

" what? why?" the man asked her, still holding the gun to the woman he grabbed.

" you got you're safety on. " captain said and it was enough to cath him off guard, so she tackled them and got the gun out his hands.

i took the gun because i was closet to it and captain said to.

" oh my god, it's a glock. theres no external safety. you charged a live weapon." i said as i kooked at the gun more. tim walked in and immediately everyone covered their nose because he smelt bad.

" what the hell happened here?" tim asked because he saw the man getting put in handcuffs and a lot of other officers around.

" goddam, did you get skunked?" i asked him and he just rolled his eyes and walked away. after that whole situation was over i walked back to my chair at the desk.

thankfully my shift ended not to long after, i was so very excited to go home and hangout with vinnie and koa.

" valentina thank the lord!" vinnie said when i walked in the house.

" hi vinnie, hi koa!" i smiled at them and gave koa a hug since he ran up to me.

" valentina i swear he would not shut up about you, like saying stuff like ' well val lets me do this, you're so boring, i miss val ' like from the moment he woke up until literally just before you walked in " vinnie explained, with a fake attitude.

" maybe because i'm his favorite? " i said with a sarcastic smile.

" girl bye, your not his favorite trust " vinnie said and i didnt say anything back because if he wasn't to he delusional about being a 2 year olds favorite then thats on him.

i spent the rest of my night watching a movie with both vinnie and koa, then after the movie i went to sleep.


ok guys idk if i said this but literally one kf my bsfs is talking to my ex and she's literally in a relationship and gay! her gf knows this too but forgave her and i did to but kike i still hink abt how its so weird ..?

also sorry for short chapter and its been a month but dont be worryness i'll update again tonigt

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