𝟎𝟏𝟓, 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐭

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i dislike plain clothes day so i skipped it.

i dislike plain clothes day so i skipped it

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valentina's recovery went very well, she was working at the front desk up until today. apparently she was wanted to be in this promotion video for the LAPD.

" valentina can you a put smile on your face ?" the director asked valentina who just shook her head no.

" okay this sucks. like i mean awful. " lucy said, which everyone agreed with. the whole thing was stupid.

lucy was fumbling over her words and valentina felt bad for jackson and john because no offense to lucy but she's the reason they had to re-do it. john and jackson messed up a little bit but at the end is what made valentina laugh, they were all out of sync saying something.

sergeant gray had shown it to everyone who was there during roll call. when it was all done everyone in there started laughing, lucy,jackson and john didn't understand why they were laughing.

" okay guys. i know there were a few stumbles in there, yes. in the beginning but this is Hollywood they fix that stuff in the editing. i think this videos going to make the department very proud " john said to everyone.

" officer santos, i have a question. why weren't you smiling at all in this video?" sergeant gray asked her.

" wasn't feeling like it, sir " valentina said to him.

" okay, officer bradford would you like the honor?" sergeant gray said with a laugh.

" actually sir I think that should go to lopez. i mean the whole thing was her idea. " tim said to sergeant.

" there is no promotional video. " angela started clearly holding in her laugh.

" you got punked " officer bishop finished for Angela before they all started laughing.

there was a lady at the station to teach everyone about trying to talk a bomber out of blowing things up.

" you only have 10 words to do so, go." The woman said to jackson who was clearly nervous.

" um ma'am, you don't want to do this " jackson said to her.

" boom slaughter house in here. go." she said pointing at lucy, who didn't expect it either

" uh ny name is lucy chen and " Lucy didn't even get to finish her sentence before the woman said ' boom' again. tim decided to just try and tackle her or something but she turned around before he could do that.

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