𝟎𝟎𝟔, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐰𝐤𝐞

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valentina was woken up by koa crying yet again, koa's been crying every night for the past couple of days and valentina cant seem to figure out why he's crying. koa doesn't really cry, especially not in the middle of the night.

" val? you're awake?" vinnie asked as he walked into the kitchen, where he saw koa sitting on the kitchen island while valentina is preparing his bottle.

" yep, he keeps crying. i don't know why, has there been anything wrong while im at work?" valentina asks as vinnie tries to recall anything happening to him.

" no, i don't remember him falling or anything. oh actually he did roll off the couch like a week ago, but there was thick blankets on top of the carpet so i didn't think it will affect him. " vinnie explained to her, vinnie did tell valentina about that already so she believed him. valentina looks at the baby on the counter to see if there's anything wrong with his appearance.

not seeing anything, she decided that tommorow she will see what happens and if there's something wrong he's going to the hospital.

anyway after a good hour of playing with koa, valentina finally laid him down and he went to sleep, so she decided to get ready for work.

in the roll call room, john was talking about his interaction with ' the hawke '. apparently his wife kicked him out a couple of months ago and he's just been a drunk mess ever since.

after roll call tim and valentina went to do a search warrant because sergeant grey assigned it to them.

" here's the real test. of all the things burglary told us about out suspect, leshawn halvorsen, whats most important?" tim asked valentina as they stood outside of the apartment door.

" his history of fighting will police?" valentina guessed, she really didn't know the correct answer to that.

" wrong. this guy's been searched seven search warrents. spent half of his life on parole. so to find his stash you got to think like a criminal. can you do that? " tim asked valentina as she nodded.

they knocked on the door and announced they were here, leshawn took to long to answer the door so tim kicked it open. when the door opened there was a loud sound, so they walked in and saw their suspect on the floor.

" that had to hurt " tim said as his gun was pointed at him just incase. they walked in and began searching, well really it was just valentina searching. tim paced around he living room of the apartment.

valentina was bent over trying to search something behind the couch.

" yo lady cop, you can search my place all day. " the man said, he was sat down on a chair with something tying his hands back.

tim looked at what leshawn was looking at and slapped his head for saying that.

" get up. face the wall before i snatch that other eye out your head. you need to learn some respect. " tim said and grabbed him by the arm forcing him to stand up. tim turned his head towards valentina before saying

" come on officer valentina. think like a crook. when's the last time you hid anything under a couch, 8th grade?" tim asked valentina as she stood up and faced him.

" actually yesterday and it fuckin worked. " valentina said giving him a sarcastic smile.

" okay welp, you're gonna wana glove up. saw a box of sex toys in the master bedroom and don't forget the toilet. search before you flush. " tim told her as she looked at him like he was crazy.

" you're making me do that? " valentina questioned him as he nodded. she went into the master bedroom and searched every single crevices of that room.

when she was done and came out with nothing she saw leshawn and tim sitting down. tim was playing around with the stolen stuff.

" what the fuck. " valentina said as she looked at them.

" what?" tim asked her, confused on what she was confused about.

" you had this shit the whole time? " valentina questioned him.

" no not the whole time. it took me like three or four minutes. you find anything? " tim asked her.

" only the most nastiest things possible. god. give me a minute. " valentina walked off and say down on this box that was infront of the door.

they took the guy back to the station and processed him then went back out on patrol. tim and valentina were searching for ' the hawke ', he planted his phone in this man's RV. he knew the cops were gonna be on him so he planted his phone in a place were hawke wouldnt go.

bishop and nolan found him, now their were multiple officers chasing after them. tim and valentina being one of the officers.

they went in a mall, closed one of the stores and then handcuffed his kid to one of the clothing racks. he escaped through a door that can lead anywhere in the mall.

tim, valentina, john, talia, anthony, lucy and sergeant grey were all in a circle talking about their escape plan.

in the back of the mall their was a place for the trucks to park, hawke tried escaping from there but tim and john were already there. they eneded up getting in a fight which lead to tim and john on the floor while talia pepper sprayed hawke and valentina tased him.

" why the fuck would you guys start fighting him? especially you john he knows your weaknesses " valentina asked as she helped tim get back on his feet.

" i agree with the boot. you guys had one job to arrest him not get in a brawl. " talia said as she arrested hawke.

valentina and tim talked about scenarios of getting robbed and all that. tim told her that he keeps his money and stuff in the money holder in the back of his belt.

valentina somehow managed to get his stuff, knowing he was going to the bar tonight. valentina called the bar he was at. earlier tim had doubted valentina's skills of thinking like a criminal.

" bradford " tim said as he answered the phone.

" you know you should never tell a crook were you hide your money. " valentina said as she held his card and some of his cash in her hands.

" valentina?" tim questioned before actually realizing the situation.

" i wonder how you're gonna pay for your bill. " valentina said with a smile on her face.

"  you are in so much trouble " tim told her, valentina knew that was bullshit.

" mhm. you know maybe you could wash the dishes? but you might wanna glove up. good night " valentina said before she hung up. valentina is the most pettiest person ever, so she had the whole thing planned out, she been thinking about it since he made her go through that man's nasty room..


lynn talks
updates r gonna take longer since school started again and i go straight to sleep after

ok update, i broke up w my bf bc he said brunettes w blonde highlights r fine and i have black curly hair .. anywys i got over it pretty quick seeing as he was lowk ugly but neway i have a ne crush and hes so fine

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