𝟎𝟎𝟕, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠

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valentina and vinnie took koa to disneyland on one valentina's days off. the first day she went to a dodger game with jackson and lucy.

before roll call on monday the three rookie, minus john, were talking about their weekend.

the four rookies and one training officer were getting their gear.

" you know valentina i think it's so cute how vinnie treats koa as you guys kid. like vinnie absolutely loves him " lucy said and jackson agreed with her, valentina looked at them with a smile.

" yeah vinnie is actually good with good kids. glad he's their to help me " valentina said as she got her gear and walked away to set up her shop. tim was called in the sergeant's office.

when he didn't come back for a while valentina went to go look for him, she found him in the roll call room.

" hey what happened? you been gone for hella long?" valentina asked him, when his head turned he wasn't look at valentina, he was looking at something behind her. curiously she turned her head and saw his wife being brought in. tim stood up and watched as the detective's brought isabel through the station.

after tim was done in the sergeants office for the second time, they went on patrol.

" you have a kid? " tim asked her, valentina looked at him confused on where that came from and where he even got that information.

" no? where'd you hear that?" valentina asked him.

" when we were getting our gear? officer chen said something about vinnie treating koa as your guys kid together?" tim asked her.

" no, koa is my baby brother and i'm taking care of him. " valentina answered. speaking of vinnie and koa, vinnie had called valentina.

" hello? " valentina said as she answered the phone. "vinnie what happened? " valentina asked as all she could hear was him breathing heavily.

" koa passed out, he's not sleeping because he just woke up from a nap. i was feeding him and he just passed out. he's still breathing but this is not okay get over here as fast as you can please. " vinnie explained to her, taking koa out his highchair.

"okay i'll be there right away. " valentina replied before hanging up.

" there's a family emergency i need to go to my house now. " valentina told him the address and he went in that direction.

" what happened?" tim asked her.

" koa passed out in the middle of eating, he's not tired because he just woke up. " valentina explained to him. valentina explained the situation to sergeant grey who seemed to understand.

they made it to her house snd she unlocked the door as quick as she could and went inside. valentina took him inside the car that they considered a family car. vinnie put him in his carseat and they were on their way to the hospital.

tim followed behind in the shop and they made it to the hospital in under 10 minutes.

" i need a doctor like right now. this is my brother koa, hes ten months old. he just passed out in the middle of eating and no he wasn't tired he had just woken up. " valentina explained to the doctor who immediately got other doctors to help them.

apparently koa had some internal bleeding, valentina was extremely confused on how that is even possible.

"  its gonna be okay, koa's gonna be okay " vinnie said pulled her into a hug. it was already then end of valentina's shift.

sergeant grey, lucy, jackson, anthony and angela filled the waiting room.

" hey are you okay? what happened? " lucy asked as she sat down next to valentina.

" koa was eating and then he passed out and no he wasnt tired because he had just woken up from a nap. vin called me, i rushed him to the hospital just to find out about internal bleeding. and now he's in surgery for it. " valentina explained to her. lucy pulled her in for a hug and told her things like he will be okay and all that.

" what valentina?" valentina's mom answered with a sigh. valentina excused herself from the group so she can call her.

" koa has some internal bleeding, he's going into surgery soon and you should know about it because he's your son. " valentina said to her mom.

" okay? i don't care, i cant raise another kid. why do you think i gave him to you? " mrs santos asked valentina. valentina's heart hurt just hearing her say that about the kid she birthed, how can a mother of five even just say that about her baby?

" what the fuck is wrong with you? if you couldn't take care of another kid, why did you have him in the first olace? i shouldn't even be taking care of him. " valentina told her mom, who didn't even seem to care that her baby had any issues.

" what do you want me to say, valentina? that i hope he's okay? i don't care about him and i'm not lie and say i do when i dont even want anything to do with him!" her mom yelled.

" god, i hate you. you're such a fucking liar, you lie to your family and dad's family, saying that i ask to watch him all the time, when thats not even true! " valentina argued, trying not to yell back since she's in public. " i just want you to know, you're a weak ass excuse of a mother. " valentina told her and hung up.

valentina calmed herself down and went back to the group of people who were just talking.

" how'd it go with your mom?" vinnie asked her as she sat down.

" she says she doesn't care about koa and wished she never had him. " valentina told him, vinnie rolled his eyes at that. vinnie never liked her mom he thought she was to much and a weirdo, which he's not wrong.

koa came out of surgery perfectly fine and valentina was still given the next week off, which she only was gone for six of those days. but cps did come look at their house to see if it was even right for a kid to live there, they didn't even do much though.


y'all dont be silent readers😭 i love responding to comments n all that.

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