𝟎𝟎𝟑, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐮𝐠𝐥𝐲

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" vinnie im about to leave, you got koa right?" valentina asked as she made it upstairs to his room. koa is valentina's baby brother, valentina's mom had him and left him with valentina.

" yeah where is he? " vinnie asked getting up from his pc setup. vinnie and valentina have been friends since birth, valentina's dad met vinnie's while they were training at the academy.

" he's in my room sleeping. call me if anything goes wrong." valentina said before leaving the house.

valentina was invited for a run on the beach with john, jackson and lucy, which she greatly accepted the offer. it was her way of training since officer bradford gets back today and she needs the extra training.

in the briefing room, everyone was stood clapping for officer bradford. until sergeant grey came in and told everyone to settle down, which means stop what you're doing and sit down.

" you ready officer nolan? cause once again we start with you. " sergeant grey said walking to his podium.

" i'm flattered?" john said in a questionable way.

" don't be. yesterday a four man crew disguised as zombies, knocked over a cash advance near pico and roberston. so officer's bishop and nolan were able to apprehend two of the criminals, while the other two escaped. somehow officer nolan managed to let a civilian steal 10 grand in already stolen cash. " sergeant grey explained, there were more things he said but it wasn't all that important.

on patrol officer bradford was driving and valentina was skeptical of that.

" you sure you dont want me to drive?" valentina asked him.

" why would i want that boot? you think i'd go back on duty before im 100 percent?" officer bradford questioned, valentina's real answer was yes but he would yell at her if she said that so she went with the safer option.

" no sir "

" or do you think simply doing your job during a firefight, means you get special treatment? " officer bradford asked her, obviously it was no but he didn't need to do the most about a question being asked.

" no sir. " valentina responded, trying not to show her attitude.

" you'll drive when you've earned it. " officer bradford told her.

" yes sir. " valentina replied fighting the urge to roll her eyes at him. " it's good to have you back though " valentina added on.

" damn straight " tim said told her. it was silent until they got a call from the bank.

" oh thank God, you guys are here. he's trapped in there. " the bank manager said as the two officers got out their car.

" in where? the bank?" valentina asked confused on what he's referring to.

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