𝟎𝟏𝟎, 𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐝

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valentina woke up to koa crying, he wasn't in valentina's bed in his usual spot. immediately valentina sat up and looked on the side he sleeps on, koa fell off the bed somehow.

she picked him up and put him on the bed, a lot farther from the edge. her phonr went off so she looked at it and it was a message that was a mandatory emergency call back for all patrol.

valentina picked up koa and walked to vinneis room, vinnie was surprisingly awake.

" vinnie can you watch koa while i'm at work? i literally got called in on my day off, because the vice president made an unscheduled visit. " i explained to him.

" yeah go, get ready. " vinnie said and took koa from my arms, i thanked him and then hurried up and went to my room.

after role call and the explanation of our task today we got our stuff and went on patrol. many people were rioting and all.

tim and valentina had to get the homeless people off the street.

" all right, listen up! listen up! until tomorrow at 3 pm, the stretch of vine between melrose and franklin will be off limits. sanitation services will be arriving in 20 minute, you will have until then to pack up " officer bradford informed all the homeless people on the street.

there was a fight between two women over a cart, valentina got in the middle of them to break it up, the two women both got all three of them to fall. tim grabbed the woman on valentina's right, valentina got the woman on her left and put them both in handcuffs.

" santos. " tim called out, his eyes focused on something thats on her waist.

" what?" valentina asked confused on what hes looking at.

" stop, don't move. i need to remove it." tim said, valentina looked down and saw the needle. it was dirty and something might've been in it but you couldn't really tell.

" whats the procedure when an officer is exposed on duty? " tim asked but valentina spaced out, not paying attention to what he said.

" what?" valentina asked as she realized he asked a question.

" focus. what do we do now?" tim asked valentina.

" uh, collect the evidence, bring the officer and item to the nearest hospital to test for infections a diseases, that may have been transmitted. " valentina explained what she remembered.

" wheres the nearest hospital?" tim asked her.

" shaw memorial. " valentina answered.

" make sure an officer posts up here until veep passes through. come on, lets go. " tim said to the other officers before turning his attention to valentina.

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