𝟎𝟐𝟎, 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥

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all four rookies were going into their second part of training and to move on the all needed to take a test and get a score above 80.

and all four rookies were out studying at their favorite place, it's basically a little plaza with types of
food trucks in it.

" okay thats it, 500 penal codes down 1,000 more to go. what do you guys want curly fries?" john asked the group, all three responded with a yes before indulging in their own conversation when they saw john take out his gun. looking at the situation, it was an armed robbery, causing the other three rookies to take out their guns aswell and slowly approach the situation.

" hands in the air, interlace your fingers behind your head " valentina demanded the man. thankfully they did agree and it was an easy arrest for them.

next morning valentina actually had a good amount of time before she had to go into work, so she spent that time talking to vinnie and preparing food for koa so it'll be easier on vinnie.

" you're gonna do great okay? have a good day, let me know how it goes." vinnie told her giving her a hug before she left the house.

" thank you, you too and i definitely will."

" 80 might be a passing grade boot, but if you dont get atleast a 90, you should turn in your badge." officer lopez informed jackson.

" officer santos i will take it as a personal insult if you get anything less than a 93." tim said to her, making sure their eyes connected so she would really understand.

" yes sir." valentina sighed and turned back to the front.

" officer chen, its okay if you get an 80, that just means more time to work on stuff." officer johnson told lucy, which was really sweet.

tim did add that he was going to continuously evaluate valentina after her shifts, even if he's not required to do so anymore.

grey informed everyone that the rookies will complete 6 hours of their shift and then come back to the station to take the test and told the training officers to take it easy.

" i dont do easy " tim scoffed like it was joke.

" but you do follow direct orders. am i right, officer bradford?" grey said walking close to tims desk. not having anything else smart to say he just shut up.

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