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Hey everyone! Who loved Hogwarts Legacy, because I sure as hell did! Hence why I am now writing a Hogwarts Legacy x Reader Oneshot book! I've worked hard for ages to polish off all of these oneshots, so I really hope you enjoy! Now I must admit I'm a sucker for happy endings, and hopefully they'll make you smile. Also some of my oneshots are longer then others, there's no consistency in length but I've worked just as hard on each.

I loved playing this game and there were two particular characters that I (and I think everyone) completely fell for: Sebastian Sallow and Ominis Gaunt. I will admit that this oneshot book will ONLY contain oneshots for this troublesome duo.

Throughout this oneshot collection there'll be lemons, limes and stories which may have depressing themes. I'll be putting warnings on these chapters, so please if they make you uncomfortable just skip to the next. I've seen comments on other peoples amazing work saying not nice things about these kind of chapters which both upsets and annoys me, especially after the author has even put warnings. Please, I'd appreciate no mean or unnecessary comments! But I'm sure you're all lovely folk that wouldn't do that anyway. I'm afraid to say I don't know the original artists of the headers I'll be using but if anyone does then comment them for sure! I'll also make a note of Readers Hogwarts house at the beginning of each oneshot, but it may not necessarily make a difference to the story.

Now, the reader may not always be the main character from Hogwarts Legacy. I'll add a note on top of each oneshot to inform you if they are or aren't. If they aren't I may mention my Hogwarts Legacy character, and her name is Zelda, so if you read that name that's who I'm referring to.

Requests: Now, I'll be posting a requests page a few chapters into this book so please, if you have any requests I'd appreciate it if you comment them specifically on that page. I also can't promise that I'll be able to get all of them done as I have a lot of writing planned.

I think that's everything I want to say so I hope you enjoy!


The One Who Writes x

Hogwarts Legacy X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now