22: Ominis Gaunt - A True Friend

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Note: (y/n) is the Hogwarts Legacy MC

House: Slytherin

Requested by: UwUOwlie

 I stumbled off of the goblins cart, my heart racing and tears forming in my eyes. Lodgok had just been killed in front of my very eyes by Ranrok who I had just learnt was the formers brother. As quick as I could I made my way to the mines exit, stumbling out of it and landing in a heap on the ground. The ground was trembling slightly as the tunnels below caved in and for a moment I wondered whether Rookwood and Ranrok were even going to make it out alive.

In fear of them being close on my tail I summoned my broom and flew high into the air, over the troll I had snuck past to enter the mine, Hogwarts being my destination. The adrenaline of tonight's events were still pumping through my veins but as I rode my broom, the wind whipping my face I began to calm down a little, but that was when I felt my injuries. The bruises to my stomach, the cuts all over my arms and legs from being thrown around by the goblins magic.

My head was pounding, my heart was hurting and my body ached badly, but instead of the Hospital Wing being my final destination I instead decided to head straight to my dormitory as it was already 01:00 according to my pocket watch, and I definitely needed sleep.

When I finally stumbled into the dungeons and through the snake archway that led to the Slytherin common room, I collapsed onto my hands and knees and cried. The loss of Lodgok soon caught up with me, him having become a good friend. The revelation of his brotherhood with Ranrok hurt but I didn't blame him for not indulging this information. The fact I had to leave his body in that awful mine hurt even more, as did the thought of telling Sirona what had happened to her dear friend whom she introduced me to.

I managed to crawl onto one of the leather green sofas and lay down, exhaustion catching up with me. I knew as soon as the sun rose that I needed to tell Professor Fig that Ranrok had Bragbors journals, and that with this he could find the last repository without even needing to find the final Keepers last location and memory. We had always been a step behind him, now it felt like we were a marathon behind.

A shuffle nearby made me sit bolt upright, my senses having become strong thanks to the fact I was wanted by goblins, dark wizards and poachers. At the far end of the common room, by the large windows that looked out into the depths of the Black Lake, stood Ominis Gaunt. His sightless eyes were looking in my direction and I went rigid as he spoke. "(y/n)... is that you?"

I had grown somewhat of a crush on him, but I was almost certain he didn't like me. I admired his bravery, his ability to stand up for what he believed in and his dedication to helping his friends, particularly Sebastian. I knew he thought himself weak due to his disability but it was quite the opposite; I had seen him spell casting and how he managed to do it without sight was truly remarkable.

However I knew he had a distaste for me. He believed I was leading Sebastian astray and into the Dark Arts, which was not true. I believed there to be a cure for Anne out there and maybe it could be found in the shallows of the Dark Arts, but as soon as I saw how twisted they could be I had tried endlessly to put a stop to it but after I lied to Ominis about the Undercroft, I encouraged the trek into the Scriptorium and convinced him to let Sebastian leave the catacomb with the Relic, I was certain he didn't like me.

"Yes," I answered his question with a slightly croaky voice, trying to hide the pain I was feeling.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Fine," I winced as I headed to the stairs but I collapsed against one of the sofas.

"No you're not. Sit down," he said sternly and I sighed, doing as told. I bit my lip and gripped the cushions tightly as he approached me. "What's happened?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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