5: Ominis Gaunt - The Gaunt Name

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Warning! This is mostly happy, just a slight sad little ending but it's one that'll make you smile as opposed to being completely depressing and empty...

Note: I think I've got all the history of the Gaunt family correct but apologies if there are any mistakes! Also the reader IS NOT the Hogwarts Legacy mc!

House: Ravenclaw

 It had been thirty two years since Ominis and I graduated Hogwarts, and moved into a small yet beautiful cottage in Hogsmeade. It had been thirty years since the two of us got married, us having a small celebration since I only had a mum and a dad and his family weren't keen on the fact he was marrying a half-blood. It had been twenty eight years since they cut him out of the family completely, and since then they were spiralling into the life of poverty, reeling with jealousy over Ominis' happiness. It had been twenty five years since we began trying for a child, but now we were fifty and sadly accepted the fact that it wasn't going to happen, and that the Gaunt name would die.

We had dreamt of having a baby boy who would grow to be strong and independent, just like Ominis, but we'd give him a loving home filled with support and care. We'd be a proper family, but our dream of having children had been diminished or so we thought...

One morning I was washing the breakfast pots whilst Ominis ran his finger over the braille in his book. Suddenly there was a rattle against the window and my head shot up to see an owl sat on the windowsill, a letter in its beak. "Are you expecting a letter?" I asked my husband.

"No... why?"

"There's an owl here with a letter addressed to us," I explained, opening the window and taking it from the bird, it flying off moments later. "It's from the Ministry of Magic," I said, seeing the stamp on the envelope.

"Read it aloud," he said, standing up and walking towards me.

"'Mr and Mrs Gaunt. We are writing to you to request an audience with you about your lineage on the 6th June at 13:00. Please respond promptly if you please, so we can organise the meeting. Sincerely, Mr Simmons, Head of the Affairs of Magical Families Department.' Whoa... what do they mean lineage?"

"I don't know, before he died I hadn't spoken to Marvolo in ages..." he said and I read the letter again to make sure I hadn't missed anything. "We can make the 6th June. Respond saying we accept. It's been a while since we've been to London."

"Okay, I'll reply now. I'll be back in a few minutes," I kissed him on the cheek and headed to Magical Mail to post our acceptance.

- Timeskip -

We walked arm in arm through the Ministry, heading to the Affairs of Magical Families Department. Ominis was clearly worried, wondering what on earth we could be called upon for, after all we had not had any contact with the Gaunts in years and I sent an owl to my parents asking if they knew and they had no idea.

We walked up to the office and knocked on the door, it being answered by Mr Simmons, head of the department. "Mr and Mrs Gaunt, do come in," he said. "Please take a seat, would you like a cup of tea?"

"Oh, yes please sir," I said politely, Ominis and I sitting down.

"I'm sure you're both wondering why you were summoned here today," he said, pouring our tea and handing it to us before sitting behind his desk in front of us.

"Yes, I contacted my family and they hadn't an idea what this meeting could be about," I explained.

"That's probably because it's to do with Mr Gaunts side of the family. I have both good and bad news for you... I am terribly sorry but your niece, Merope, has passed away," he said softly and Ominis tensed up beside me. He knew of Merope and had spoken to her a couple of times, her being of a similar mindset to him but she was Marvolo's daughter, and he was a dark wizard living in poverty leaving Merope vulnerable to his abusive behaviour. "I am terribly sorry for your loss."

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