12: Ominis Gaunt - Hope Part One

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Warning! This is part one of two!

Note: the reader IS the Hogwarts Legacy mc

House: Gryffindor

 Professor Weasley had just finished her heartfelt speech about Professor Fig's passing, and there were tears in my eyes as I raised a glass to my mentor along with the rest of the school. Seeing everyone unite over the death of my mentor made the tears fall, and beside me Natty held my hand comfortingly. It was hard, mourning the loss of a dear friend, especially when I was there with him when he passed. The sight haunted me, yet he seemed at peace holding Miriam's wand tightly.

A feast in his honour began and I sat quietly, thinking about everything that had happened over the past few months. Everything with Fig and Ranok was still fresh in my mind, but the various happenings with my friends lingered, particularly what happened with Sebastian, Anne and Ominis.

There was no forgiving Sebastian for what he did to Solomon, no matter how cruel his uncle was, but he was my close friend and I didn't want to see him get sent to Azkaban, not when he was only sixteen. Anne said that the guilt he had to live with was punishment enough for his actions, and somehow the two of us managed to convince Ominis not to hand Sebastian in.

My relationship with Ominis was strained to say the least. I was certain he didn't like me which was heartbreaking for me as I had grown quite fond of him. There were many reasons I believed him to dislike me; one being that Sebastian had showed me the Undercroft and I lied to Ominis' face about stumbling upon it to save Sebastian. Two would be that I encouraged him to show us where the Scriptorium is, only for us to find the remains of the only aunt he ever loved. Three, and probably the main reason, I led his best friend down a path of no return - the path of Dark Magic. At first I thought like Sebastian and expected to find a hidden cure for Anne but as we delved deeper I realised that researching the Dark Arts was a bad idea. I managed to escape in time however Sebastian did not, and was sucked in by the temptation. I knew Ominis blamed me for this, as he had said that if I didn't attend Hogwarts Sebastian would've never been encouraged, only discouraged, by Ominis and Anne. All I could do was take his words and believe them, which of course upset me given my feelings for the Gaunt.

After the immense feast Professor Black dismissed everyone and people filed out of the hall, but I was called over to one side by Sebastian. "I'm sorry about Fig. I know you two were close," he said comfortingly and I smiled slightly, nodding. "And thanks for not handing me in-,"

"It's okay Sebastian, we don't need to discuss it further."

"You did more for me than you think you know," Sebastian said and I furrowed my eyebrows. "You managed to convince Ominis not to... well, you know. That's no easy feet, usually I'm the only one who can convince him to do stuff."

"That doesn't mean anything. He never would've handed you in. I had nothing to do with his decision... plus he doesn't care what I think or do," I muttered.

"What are you talking about?" Sebastian asked, cocking his head.

"Nothing. Nothing important anyway," I laughed awkwardly. "I should probably get to bed, it's late," I added, about to walk swiftly from the hall it Sebastian grabbed my hand.

"You can tell me if something is bothering you. After everything we've been through you can trust me with anything."

"Thanks Sebastian... I'm okay," I tried to say in a more convincing voice. He let me go and I quickly headed out from the hall and back to the Gryffindor common room, keen to get into bed.

- Timeskip -

I found myself once again in Professor Fig's office, flicking through the book I found in the Restricted Section that revealed the map in the Map Chamber. All of the charms and trinkets we had collected on our journey were laid out over his desk and I felt tears fill my eyes. I hadn't gone back to the Map Chamber since Professor Fig's death as I partly blamed the Keepers, believing that if they'd shown us everything much earlier on we'd have been able to stop Ranrok before he even found the final repository.

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