15: Sebastian Sallow - The Champion

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Note: the reader IS NOT the Hogwarts Legacy mc. I use my HL characters name, Zelda, so if you see this name that is who I'm referring to.

House: Gryffindor

Requested bykuews17

 They say the trait of a Gryffindor is their bravery, but I had never felt more nervous as I approached the headmaster and the Goblet of Fire that stood next to him. He was holding a sheet of parchment that had my name on it, revealing that I was going to be the Hogwarts Champion for the Triwizard Tournament.

So many students in Hogwarts had put their name in the Goblet of Fire so my best friend Sebastian Sallow and I decided to do it for a bit of fun. I believed that he secretly wanted to be the champion but I had no interest myself. It was typical that I was then to be picked as the contestant that would represent the entire school.

I followed a ministry official to the side room off of the Great Hall, glancing back at the sea of students and trying to find a particular face on the Slytherin table. Thankfully I saw Sebastian sending me a reassuring smile which puta little bit of confidence in me as I entered the side room, being greeted by the Durmstrang champion Aksel Karlsson and the Beauxbatons champions Pierre Cassell.

Professor Black soon entered followed by the head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports as well as the head of the Department of International Magical Co-Operation, . Together they explained how the games would work - there'd be three tasks that won't be disclosed to us before the day of the event. Each will not be easy tasks, and will challenge each of us immensely. I glanced at the other two contestants and despite trying to keep a tough exterior I could tell they were both nervous. They had employed Mr Ollivander to weigh our wands to check that there weren't any particular charms that may benefit the user. Once that was finished we were dismissed, the Great Hall now being empty - all that stood was the Goblet of Fire.

The three of us were silent as we left the hall, walking out towards the hourglasses where I was met with a surprise: Sebastian was stood waiting for me. "(y/n)," he called me over.

"Sebastian what are you still doing here?" I asked in a hushed tone.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I put on a fake smile and nodded.

"I'm fine," I lied and he sighed.

"I know when you're lying," he said, tilting his head and I sighed.

"Fine, okay, I'm worried, I'm scared," I whispered once the either contestants were out of earshot. "I'm not Zelda , I don't have the confidence to face dark wizards, poachers, acromantula's or even trolls!"

"Calm down, you're going to do fine-,"

"No I'm not Sebastian! People have been known to die in this tournament!" I panicked and he pulled me in for a reassuring yet admittedly unexpected hug.

"Relax (y/n). I'll do everything I can to help you and prepare you. What have you got to do first?"

"That's the thing, they won't tell me. I've got the First Task on the first of November... how do I prepare for something when I don't know what's coming?" I asked.

"Then we'll do research. We'll research previous tournaments and see if they have records of what the past First Tasks have been. Then you can get an idea as to what you might expect," Sebastian said and I smiled.

"Thanks Sebastian. I don't know what I'd do without you," I looked up at him and I saw a feint blush on his cheeks.

"Tomorrow morning, 10:00, at the library," he concluded and I nodded. "See you then."

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