2: Ominis Gaunt - The Right Time (Lemon)

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Warning! This oneshot is targeted for those age 16+ due to adult content!

Note: the reader IS the Hogwarts Legacy mc

House: Slytherin

 The dorm room was finally set up with blankets and cushions Nerida had arranged earlier in the day, fire whiskey Imelda had gotten from Gareth and sweets Violet and I had purchased from Honeydukes in Hogsmeade. Tonight was going to be the perfect way to celebrate the end of our NEWTs, by having a girly sleepover in our dorm room.

Since I joined Hogwarts in fifth year I had become friends with many people and I thought it a shame they couldn't join us in our sleepover, but having it with just those I shared a dorm with felt more intimate. Plus there was always the end-of-school ball which was a way to let off steam with the rest of my friends from other houses, namely Poppy, Adelaide and Natty.

Not only had I become close friends with many people, but I had managed to get myself a boyfriend, and he was Ominis Gaunt. I had felt an attraction to him since the moment we were in the Scriptorium together with Sebastian, and from that point on I felt guilty about helping Sebastian through his dark magic phase. Ominis was of course right, and I wanted to keep him included in everything we were doing but Sebastian was adamant not to, and that was one of the many reasons things went wrong for the Sallows. I apologised endlessly to Ominis and finally in sixth year he forgave me. It was the beginning of our seventh year that I confessed my feelings to him, and we officially became a couple.

I was happier than I had ever felt when I was with Ominis. We'd often sneak away from company and kiss in quiet parts of the castle. He wasn't too keen on intimacy of any form in public so we only kissed in private. One thing I admittedly ached for however was to go all the way with him, but he was quite a traditional man and I suspected he was saving himself for marriage.

The reason behind my suspicions were that he'd stop our passionate kissing whenever we began to get carried away. Despite this being a small action, the feeling of rejection built up the more times he did it until I came to the conclusion he was saving himself. Whether that was going to be me or not I had to respect it, despite how desperate I was becoming. It was the traditional thing to do after all, and we lived in fairly traditional times.

"Anyone need a top-up?" Imelda asked, shaking the bottle of whiskey.

"Yeah, absolutely," I said, holding out my glass to her. She poured a bit more than the normal amount for a glass of whiskey but I didn't doubt that we were all going to get drunk anyway so I didn't mind so much, I just made a mental note to take it slow.

"So (y/n), there's something I've been wanting to ask you," Imelda said in a troublesome tone and I was worried when she glanced between Nerida and Violet, the two of them smirking as well. "What's it like with Gaunt?"

"What's what like?"

"Er, sex," she said plainly and I spat out the whiskey I had just taken a drink of. My cheeks heated up incredibly fast but my reaction didn't stop her from talking. "I mean he's blind so does he know where to touch? Do you have to direct him? Is he good?"

"I-Imelda!" I shouted, getting more and more embarrassed.

"C'mon (y/n), we're intrigued," Violet said and I was surprised that the two girls were siding with Imelda's vulgar conversation.

"I-I- I'm not going to tell you something so personal," I tried to say but they were adamant.

"How big is he?"

"Is he rough or calm?"

"Where do you do it? Do you have a secret place in the castle?"

"Stop!" I cried out, burying my head in my hands. "S-stop- I- we... haven't..."

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