19: Sebastian Sallow - Affection

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Note: (y/n) IS the Hogwarts Legacy MC

House: Ravenclaw

 We sat together in the library, having managed to claim one of the few sofas in the large hall. I was on his lap whilst he had his arms around my waist, his chin rested on my shoulder and reading the book I was holding. Most people were surprised about how clingy my boyfriend was, but I knew the reason behind Sebastian Sallow's desperation for affection.

Despite it being a year since Sebastian killed his uncle in a fit of rage, his best friend and his twin sister still barely spoke to him. Ominis was still talking to him in a fairly civil way but it was clear that their entire relationship had faltered. Anne on the other hand was inconsolable. She hated Sebastian and I doubted their relationship was repairable. Not only that but Anne had developed a distaste for me who had fallen in love with her brother despite his history.

Due to the fact the people closest to him had either been affected by his actions or were dead, he clung onto me for the affection I was surprised he craved. He held onto me tightly whenever we were together which was most of the time, even after curfew. We had stopped hanging out in the Undercroft and instead found solace in the Room of Requirement.

Since Professor Weasley and Deek had showed me the room I had made it my own. It was almost like a whole house, as I had a bedroom, living space, a desk and all of my herbology plants growing there. I had added a bit of 'Sebastian' flare to it as well, putting up Slytherin banners and conjuring a dummy for him to practice spells on.

"Can we go to the Room?" Sebastian mumbled to me, kissing my cheek.

"You know I have to finish this research for Professor Hecat's essay," I said, hinting at him to start the homework that was due in two days.

"You're such a Ravenclaw," he whispered and I let out a chuckle. Suddenly there was an icy presence next to us and we turned to see Ominis standing there sheepishly, his wand outstretched.

"Sebastian?" He mumbled, uncertainty in his voice. He could never be one hundred percent sure that the presence he felt was indeed the presence of the person he wanted to speak to.

"What do you want Ominis?" Sebastian asked, refusing to look at him. Sebastian had stopped trying to win back Ominis' friendship a long time ago, and it seemed as though Ominis was missing it.

"The potions assignment... I was wondering if you wanted to work together?" He asked quietly.

"No. I'm working with (y/n)," Sebastian said bitterly.

"Sebastian... maybe you should work with Ominis-," I suggested, us having worked together on everything over the past few months.

"No," he interrupted me. "You weren't the one who left me behind when I most needed you. You're the only one I can trust, even with a small assignment." There was silence after his little dig at Ominis, but I could feel his body tensing up. Ominis just sighed beside us.

"I understand," he muttered, walking away and I too sighed.

"I think you need to give Ominis a chance... he's really trying now," I pointed out but Sebastian scoffed.

"It's been a whole year. If he wanted to be my friend, my best friend then he would've supported me right from- right from when everything happened. You have though. And I love you so much for it," he whispered and I cupped his cheek, pulling him in for a kiss.

"I love you too," I whispered back lovingly. We spent the rest of the afternoon together working on the essay and simply enjoying each other's company, snuggled up on the sofa.

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