6: Ominis Gaunt - The Yule Ball Part One

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Warning! This is part one of two, and the second part will be a lemon so expect sexual content in that!

Note: the reader IS the Hogwarts Legacy mc

House: Hufflepuff

 The legendary event known as the Triwizard Tournament was in full swing at Hogwarts, and the first task had been and gone. The tournament had been the talk of the school especially since the arrival of our two guest schools who were also participating in the competition - Beauxbatons and Durmstrang - but now there was something else causing quite the stir. The announcement of the Yule Ball, a tradition of the tournament for centuries.

On Christmas Eve the Great Hall was due to be decorated and the three schools would come together for a night of elegantly executed dancing. I was among the many students excited for this event, and I signed my name up for the Christmas Holidays along with almost everyone in the entire school. What made me even more excited was the idea of being able to dance with my boyfriend of one year, Ominis Gaunt.

"It's going to be so romantic," I clapped my hands together, imagining Ominis in a smart tuxedo as the three of us walked to Herbology.

"You two will look perfect on the dance floor," Poppy smiled.

"We have to go to Gladrags, the three of us, and pick out the most beautiful dresses," Adelaide hooked her arm around mine and I nodded.

"It won't matter what (y/n) wears," Charlotte came up behind us, her voice in her distinct snarky tone.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I turned to her sharply.

"It's not as if it'll make any difference to Ominis. You could wear a pillowcase and it wouldn't matter. Mind you, whatever you wear will look like a pillowcase, you're practically a house-elf-,"

"Hey!" Poppy stepped between Charlotte and I, her being very protective of me. She may be small but she could definitely pack a punch.

"Oh please, it's the truth. Besides, it's not like Gaunt will even want to go to the ball. He'll look ridiculous after all-,"

"Take that back!" I yelled, pushing past Poppy and slamming Charlotte against the wall next to the Herbology door. She looked taken aback by my sudden aggressiveness, but no one dared to insult my boyfriend in front of me. "Take that back!" I yelled again, slamming her against the wall once more.

"(y/n) calm down-," Adelaide tried to intervene but I ignored her.

"You're so horrid, you'll never get a date to the ball!" I spat at her, slamming her against the wall again and she let out a yelp of pain. She whimpered, apparently shocked and scared of my intimidation.

"P-Professor Sharp!" Poppy suddenly squeaked and I looked to indeed see the potions master limping towards us.

"Miss (l/n), care to tell me what's going on here?" He asked, his tone intense. I pulled away from Charlotte, letting go of her crumpled robes. "Twenty points will be taken from Hufflepuff for violent behaviour, and you will see me in my classroom this evening for detention."

"Yes sir," I mumbled bitterly, annoyed as tonight was usually date night with Ominis.

"Away with you all," he dismissed us firmly and Charlotte scarpered away, her thankfully not being in Herbology with us.

"Are you alright?" Poppy dared to ask.

"Fine," I lied.

"We'll go to Gladrags this weekend, and we'll pick you out the most beautiful dress, one that Ominis will be able to feel when he dances with you," Adelaide tried to comfort me and I smiled slightly at her words.

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