10: Ominis Gaunt - The Ugly Emotion (Lemon)

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Warning! There's sexual content in this oneshot, I repeat, sexual content in this oneshot!

Note: the reader IS the Hogwarts Legacy mc

House: Gryffindor

Requested byMolly_MopChan BR7566

 "For your homework you must research the history of Draught of the Living Dead, and write a 2000 word essay on the subject," Professor Sharp announced and the whole class groaned. "And you must produce a perfect draught. You can test it using a leaf. Now I will partner you up for this assignment and you will find your partner on the parchment on the wall. You are dismissed."

"Wow, Draught of the Living Dead, this is some serious potion making," I said to my boyfriend who sat next to me in the subject, Ominis Gaunt.

"We are in sixth year, it's to be expected I suppose," he pointed out and the pair of us walked to the parchment on the wall that told us our partners name. "Are we together?" He asked, hope in his tone but I pouted when I realised we weren't.

"No... you're with Nerida Roberts," I sighed. Ominis let out a scoff, clearly irritated - he was never good at potions and it was my best subject so he often relied on me during partner work, however we both knew that Nerida wasn't particularly great at the subject so they were likely to fail. "Sorry Ominis."

"Hey (y/n), looks like we've been partnered up," the voice of Leander spoke behind us. I noticed Ominis grit his teeth, him and Sebastian not having a particularly good relationship with my fellow Gryffindor.

"Hi Leander... yeah looks like it," I said awkwardly, not wanting to irritate my boyfriend. "Why don't... why don't we try and get the assignment done today? We can research and brew it today, then we won't have to worry about it-," I tried to suggest, wanting to get it over and done with.

"Why rush it? I want to try and get perfect grades. We can have plenty of library dates-,"

"Excuse me?" Ominis stepped in between Leander and I.

"Relax Gaunt, no need to get overly protective," Leander scoffed and I winced, knowing he was playing with fire.

"'overly protective'? Don't you dare flirt with my girlfriend!" He shouted, beginning to draw the attention of our fellow classmates.

"Or what? Will you set snakes after me?" Leander mocked Ominis' ability to talk to snakes and before Ominis could shout or even attack Leander I pulled him away, out of the potions classroom.

"Calm down, calm down!" I said to my boyfriend desperately after dragging him down the spiral staircase to the dungeons.

"No, he's going to get what's coming to him!" Ominis shouted, attempting to walk back up the stairs but I snatched his wand from him. "Hey!"

"Listen to me, I know Leander is a bit of a prat but do you really think I'd acknowledge or pay attention to any kind of flirting or advances he'd make? I love you Ominis. I know his flirting isn't nice, I'm uncomfortable with it too, which is why I'll always tell him to stop," I tried to assure my boyfriend as working with Leander was unavoidable.

"What if he tries to lay his hands on you?" Ominis asked quickly, taking his wand back.

"I'll make sure we're always working in a public area. The library, for example," I said, cupping my boyfriends cheek. He pouted for a moment, clearly deep in thought before letting out a sigh.

"Fine," he muttered. I smiled and leant in to kiss him happily.

"C'mon, let's go take a nap together," I held his hand.

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