21: Sebastian Sallow - The Downfall of Rookwood

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Note: (y/n) IS the Hogwarts Legacy MC

House: Hufflepuff

Requested by: FictionAxolotl

 Ranrok was close to the last repository if he hadn't already gotten to it. I hated how much the Keepers had kept me in the dark about things, and thanks to them being so slow there was a chance this goblin rebellion would turn into a full scale war, especially if Ranrok gets ahold of Isidora's left over power. I know had the artefacts collected form each trial and, as instructed, took them to be transformed into a wand at Ollivanders.

I had been waiting for a while so after a walk around Hogsmeade I headed back to the infamous wand shop, the bell ringing as I entered. Ollivander poked his head around the far wall and smiled when he saw me. "Miss (l/n), it is almost ready," he said and I nodded, him disappearing behind the wall again. He was muttering away and I perused around him shop, but something out the window caught my eye.

An elderly couple were running as quickly as they could, hand in hand apparently frightened by something, but when I looked around I saw no one. I found it a little strange, usually Hogsmeade was buzzing with people during the day. "It is done," Mr Ollivander suddenly said and I whirled around to see him holding an open wand box, the elegant wand inside. "I believe this wand to serve a unique purpose. I doubt you will find much use for it otherwise."

"Thank you sir," I said politely, taking it from him and closing the lid. I bade him farewell and exited his shop, but there wasn't a soul in sight. The sun was setting and it was getting dark, but still the famous village was too quiet. Am unnerving presence to my right made me jump, and I pulled my wand out quickly when I saw Victor Rookwood approaching.

"I'm afraid you're on your own. In light of what Ranrok knows you must agree that our interests are aligned," he sneered and I gritted my teeth.

"Our interests will never be aligned," I said firmly.

"You would let goblins take what is rightfully ours?" He scoffed. "The final repository belongs to wizardkind. It would be foolish not to work together."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I gripped my wand tighter.

"That repository is my birthright!"

"Professor Rookwood wouldn't of wanted you anywhere near it!"

"I should've known better than to try and reason with a child. I've always said children should be seen and not heard," he growled and the words made me froze. They were the words Sebastian, my close friend and crush, told me his sister had heard before she was cursed. Due to this slight falter in my stance a thug suddenly appeared behind me, grabbed ahold of me and before I could wriggle free we apparated away.

- Sebastian's POV -

I paced the Undercroft back and forth, checking the grandfather clock every other minute. She was rarely late and after finding out the true nature of everything that had been going on it was easy to get worried about her. That and the fact I had feelings for her.

She was now an hour late. I knew that she had gone to Ollivander's to have a wand made, and I knew wands took time to make but I was still nervous to the point where I couldn't contain myself. I left the Undercroft and headed to the one place I knew I'd be able to get answers: Fig's office.

I ran up the steps in his classroom and banged on his door, worry fuelling me. He opened the door in confusion, apparently surprised to see me. "Professor, do you know where (y/n) is?" I asked desperately and concern was etched on his expression.

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