7: Ominis Gaunt - The Yule Ball Part Two (Lemon)

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Warning! This is part two of two, and it's a lemon so there'll be sexual content within it!

Note: the reader IS the Hogwarts Legacy mc

House: Hufflepuff

 Arm in arm we entered the Great Hall and my mouth dropped open at how it had been transformed so beautifully into an ice-topia. The long house tables had been taken out and replaced with round tables around the edge of the hall, and in the centre was a large dance floor. The floor and walls were enchanted to look like ice, and there was even a large ice sculpture of a lion, serpent, eagle and badger. The enchanted ceiling looked as though it was snowing yet no snow fell. At the far end of the hall, where the teacher's usually sat there was a stage and upon it was an orchestra, their instruments all white to match the winter theme. "This is incredible..." I couldn't help but mutter, trying to take the transformation in.

"Is it beautiful?" Ominis asked quietly and I smiled.

"Yes it is," I whispered, kissing his cheek. The crowds of students came in and formed a circle around the dance floor, awaiting the three champions and their partners for their traditional first dance. When the orchestra began and the champions started dancing away it was obvious that they had practiced and I knew I wasn't going to be able to dance that well. Beside me Ominis seemed to stiffen, his wand outstretched in front of him. "Are you okay?"

"I'm- not going to be able to do... that," he muttered, his wand picking up on the movements of the champions.

"Don't worry because neither am I," I said honestly. "I know it's traditional to dance at balls, muggles seem to do it all the time but frankly I don't know how to nor do I care. I just want to have fun," I assured him and his lips formed a small smile. He nodded at my answer and I held his arm tightly and lovingly. When the champions had completed their piece everyone began to mingle as the orchestra played simple music. "Thank you Ominis," I turned to my boyfriend and held his wand-less hand. As always his gaze was slightly off but I could tell he was listening as he blushed.

"What for?"

"For coming with me here. I know you didn't really want to and I'm sorry if I forced you," I admitted the guilt I was feeling but he simply smiled, lifting his hand up and cupping my cheek.

"I know I am not the most romantic... and I have difficulty expressing my emotions but I do love you and I want to make you happy. As soon as I agreed to coming here with you I found myself looking forward to it more and more... you will just have to be patient with my dancing," he whispered so that no-one else could hear and I couldn't help but smile.

"You're the best," I whispered, leaning in and kissing him quickly. People around us began to dance as the orchestra picked up its music and I watched as the Durmstrang student that was Poppy's date asked her to dance. She blushed bright red, him dragging her onto the dance floor and leading her around the room. Sebastian had also taken his Beauxbatons date to the floor and was twirling her around. Even Imelda was on the floor, dancing with a Beauxbatons boy.

I was swaying side to side in time with the music, this being something Ominis noticed. "Do you... want to dance?" He asked nervously. I was surprised, I didn't expect him to actually ask me to dance; just being here with him was enough.

"Are you sure?" I asked hesitantly and he nodded. "Okay... yes I'd like that," I couldn't help but smile, his wand outstretched as he led me by the hand onto the dance floor just in time for the orchestra to play a slow song. We stepped close to each other, our bodies touching. I gently put his hand on my waist after he had tucked his wand away, and I held the other one. He was taller than me but I was able to rest my head against his neck, breathing in his scent as we swayed back and forth like the rest of the crowd was doing.

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