1: Sebastian Sallow - The Love Potion

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Note: reader IS the Hogwarts Legacy mc

House: Gryffindor

- Sebastian's POV -

(y/n), Ominis and I were a trio of close friends. We'd been close since (y/n) joined the school last year, and the two helped me recover my relationship with my twin sister after last year's horrific events, which were all my fault. Ominis was still angry that I considered dark magic as a form of treating Anne's curse but he refused to talk about it, whereas (y/n) was different.

She cared about me, faults and all. She made me feel happy, and gave me confidence that I could be with my sister again soon. She made me feel warm inside, a feeling of happiness that I hadn't felt in a long time. I tried to deny that I felt anything more than close friendship, but every time I saw a guy talking to her I couldn't help but get jealous.

Ominis had guessed my feelings for her, especially as he caught me using the tickling hex on Prewitt when he got too close to (y/n). He enjoyed teasing me about it, and making subtle remarks whenever (y/n) was in our presence. I kept on scowling at him, not that he could see but I had a feeling he could tell.

One particular person who was getting too close for comfort was Gareth Weasley. What was worse was that they were in the same house, and I didn't want to think about how close he got to her in their common room after curfew. It angered me immensely, Ominis being able to tell. "Calm down Sebastian, she doesn't have romantic feelings for Weasley," he said as we headed to potions together.

"But he likes her, that much is obvious," I scowled. It was no secret that he had feelings for her, but (y/n) was too naive to realise.

"So? If she doesn't reciprocate then there's nothing to worry about," Ominis said.

"But she's too naive to realise he's desperately trying to make moves on her! I'll make sure he stays away from her," I growled as we reached potions. We went over to the bench we shared with (y/n), her smiling as we joined her.

"Morning Sebastian, Ominis," she said sweetly.

"Alright everyone, settle down," Professor Sharp said and everyone hushed as he explained todays lesson. The potion brewing began and I watched her out the corner of my eye, seeing her concentrating hard with her tongue slightly poked out from between her lips. My distraction caused me to pour more horklump juice than expected and my potion suddenly blew up in my face.

(y/n) and Ominis started laughing and I scowled at the pair of them. "Here, let me help," (y/n) came over to my side of the bench. I stepped aside and watched as she recovered my potion: potions was always a specialty of hers. "Sebastian... Sebastian!" She shouted and I woke up from my trance in time to see Ominis snickering. "Are you okay? You look a little red," she pressed her hand against my forehead but I pulled away quickly before she could feel my heated face.

"I'm fine," I said simply.

"Well as I was saying, stir it anti-clockwise for a minute then continue the recipe for here," she pointed to the recipe and I nodded. She smiled sweetly at me and I smiled back, however irritation soon hit as Gareth Weasley approached.

"Hey (y/n)! You don't happen to have any lacewing flies, do you?" He asked, stepping between me and (y/n). She stepped back in surprise and I growled, reaching for my wand but Ominis grabbed my wrist before I could hex him.

"Um... I don't think lacewing flies are on this recipe Gareth," she said, glancing over the parchment.

"They're not, but I'm making something new and I want to experiment with lacewing flies. Fancy sharing your lacewing flies?" He said, stepping closer to her making her back away again.

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