13: Ominis Gaunt - Hope Part Two

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Warning! This is part two of two, so it'll only make sense if you've read part one!

Note: the reader IS the Hogwarts Legacy mc

House: Gryffindor

 Nerves flooded my body as I fiddled with the frilly end of my sleeve, waiting for Ominis to show. I was stood at the North exit of Hogwarts next to the path that led all the way to Hogsmeade, awaiting the arrival of Ominis Gaunt.

It was merely yesterday that he apologised for the things he had said to me in regards of Professor Fig's death but he had been so horrible that I wasn't sure I forgave him despite my feelings for him. Professor Fig was a father-figure and friend to me, so to hear Ominis claim that I should've done more to save him hurt me deeply.

I was in two minds about whether or not this trip to Hogsmeade with him was a good idea - on the one hand it was a chance for him to sew up the holes he had made on my heart but on the other hand it was an opportunity for something to go wrong and for my feelings to be hurt. "Good afternoon," his voice made me jump and I whirled around to see him standing in a smart suit, his wand outstretched to help him navigate.

"Hello," was all I managed as I felt my throat go dry.

"Shall we get going?" He asked politely. This was already the most polite he had ever been to me, and for that reason I felt more and more uncomfortable.

"Sure," I said, turning and walking from the grounds of the school. I remained silent as we began walking, trying to figure out why I agreed to this in the first place. After everything that had happened and the things he had said to me yesterday, I wanted to try and get over the romantic feelings I had for him but instead I was here about to spend the day with him at Hogsmeade.

My deep thoughts kept me company as we walked along the path passing many students coming and going, but the silence was apparently too much for Ominis. "How- how are you?" He asked awkwardly and I gulped.

"Fine," I said simply and he nodded, going back to being silent. If this was how the whole day was going to go then I dreaded to think how long it was going to feel. We finally reached the bridge that led to Hogwarts however Ominis didn't walk towards it; instead he headed towards the seating area which overlooked the school, then sitting down on one of the stone benches. I followed him and watched as he put his head in his hands, breathing out a deep sigh.

"I am deeply sorry (y/n)," he said lowly, apparently feeling my presence as I stood next to him.

"O-oh- er-," I wasn't sure how to respond and shuffled my feet awkwardly.

"The things I said to you yesterday were incredibly insensitive. I should've been more caring," he said. I gulped and sat beside him quietly as he carried on. "I know you didn't intend for Sebastian to go as far as he did. I think him getting carried away was one of the reasons I was so upset but I blamed you when I shouldn't of. I understand now that you were only trying to help. I also didn't realise that Rookwood and Harlow were after you... on top of Ranrok. And the poachers were after you too... I was ignorant to how much danger you were in and how much pressure you were under. I am sorry I wasn't a better friend to you. I'm sorry for saying those awful things yesterday as well... you did everything you could to help Professor Fig and I apologise for accusing you otherwise."

"Ominis... I don't know what to say," I whispered, shocked by his sincerity.

"I would just like you to know that I am terribly sorry," he whispered, his voice breaking a little. The corner of my lip turned up and I felt a softness in my heart as I looked at him.

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