11: Sebastian Sallow - The Boy With the Lute

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Note: the reader IS the Hogwarts Legacy mc

House: Gryffindor

 Our NEWTs were fast approaching as we were in our seventh and final year of Hogwarts. Since joining the school two years ago my life had been intense and filled with drama, but I felt a sense of calm when I was with two particular people: Ominis, my close friend and Sebastian, my boyfriend.

Everything that happened with us in fifth year somehow drew us closer together. From almost the start of my time at Hogwarts I had a sense of warmth around Sebastian: my heartbeat rising in his presence, my face feeling warm whenever I thought of him... but then everything with the relic and his uncle hit. It was hard but I was still there for him and comforted him, and managed to convince Ominis of not turning his best friend in for murder.

Sebastian promised the two of us he was done with the dark arts, something which I was incredibly grateful for. He kept his promise, as two years after the event he hadn't read a single book about dark magic, nor attempted to perform any. I was so proud of him, and I loved him all the more for keeping his promise.

Books in hand I walked to the library, ready to return them as I had finally finished my last essay for Charms, and was immensely happy with it. The deadline was a week away so I was ahead of schedule, however I knew Sebastian was not. He hadn't even told me what he decided to do our last essay on, keeping it all very discreet.

As I handed the books into Madam Scribnor I spotted Sebastian walk into the library, his bag over his shoulder. Once Scribnor was done making sure the books hadn't been damaged in any way I left her desk and headed to where I saw Sebastian go; behind a few bookcases out of sight.

I saw him sit at a desk with his back to me, and over his shoulder I was able to see him scribbling down his notes whilst glancing at an open book every few moments. At the top of the page in the book was the title: A Guide to Medieval Sorcery, and further down I spotted the contents, it filled with something I was not expecting. "Sebastian... are you researching dark magic again?"

My boyfriend whirled around, clearly not expecting to see me. He slammed the book closed but I had already got a good enough look, it being about the magic used in medieval times to torture. "(y/n)- it's not what you think-,"

"You promised us you'd stop!" I shouted.

"I have stopped!" He tried to defend himself but I felt betrayed. He'd promised to leave dark magic behind him after seeing first hand the pain and anguish it can cause. He had promised Ominis, Anne and I that that was all in the past yet here we was, researching the very subject out of choice. I stormed away from him as I didn't fancy making a scene in the quiet library, but as I exited the doors to Central Hall I felt Sebastian grab my arm. "It's just an essay!"

"That doesn't matter!" I turned on him and yanked my wrist from his grip. "The fact is that you chose to do an essay on dark magic when you promised us you'd never practice or even research the topic again! You broke your promise, and it was a pretty important promise!"

"Calm down! It's not as if I'm doing anything bad!" He scoffed, more and more eyes turning to us.

"Tell that to Anne and Ominis, Sebastian! Do you think either of them will understand? I don't care if it's just an essay, you're still researching dark magic which you promised you'd never ever do again!"

"I think you're really over-reacting," Sebastian scoffed, folding his arms. I felt as though I was close to blowing up, unable to stop thinking about the horrific scenes I witnessed two years prior.

"What do you think Anne would say-,"


"What? How about you go down to the Scriptorium, I'm sure there's plenty of books there you can study from!" I spat.

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