18: Sebastian Sallow - A New Life

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Note: (y/n) IS the Hogwarts Legacy mc in this oneshot.

House: Ravenclaw

 Things had never been the same since the awful events of fifth year, especially for Sebastian and Anne. We had gone through fifth, sixth, seventh year and graduation yet their relationship was still rocky at best. On the outside Sebastian wore a tough look, but when we were in private he'd cry. We had been romantically involved since we were in seventh year, and there were plenty of times I'd hold him until he calmed down. He loved his sister more than anyone in the world, including me, and the thought of their relationship being fragile for the rest of their lives caused him unbelievable pain.

The day Sebastian and I got married was the day they spent the most time together since before everything started. It was a time where the two of them were happy together, and I could tell that Anne missed her brother terribly. It seemed to be the happiest day of Sebastian's life as not only were we getting married, but he was able to be with his sister as well.

Since our wedding day they wrote to each other occasionally, and today an owl arrived holding a letter with Anne's handwriting. "Sebastian!" I called my husband down from upstairs. He came downstairs, half of his chin still covered in cream and in his hand he held a razor. "Sorry," I tried not to laugh at his look. "Letter from Anne," I said and he immediately tried to go for it but I held out my hand. "Finish shaving first!"

"You're so bossy," he muttered and I chuckled, watching him head back upstairs. Instinctively I found myself rubbing my lower stomach, knowing I was pregnant. I was yet to tell Sebastian as I wasn't sure how I was going to - we hadn't spoken about children but we were married now, so having children was the natural next step. Once he'd read the letter from Anne I knew his spirits would be lifted, so I imagined that then would probably be the best time.

We sat together on the sofa in our small home situated in Hogsmeade - the house in Feldcroft had been left to the twins in Solomon's will but neither of them had the courage to live there, so Sebastian and I bought a cosy little home near the central square of Hogsmeade. "Anne says she's been feeling well these past couple of weeks, her bursts of pain haven't been as brutal. She seems happy," he said with a smile that radiated onto me. I stared at him, seeing his genuine smile, and I couldn't stop one from appearing on my face also. "Are you alright?" He asked, noting my silence.

"Yes... I actually have something I need to tell you," I said and he looked at me, a slight worry in his eyes. "I think I'm... no I know I'm pregnant."

He seemed frozen, staring at me with a look of pure shock. I muttered his name and clicked my fingers in front of his face until suddenly a smile began to grow on his face. "You're pregnant? I'm going to be a father?"

"Yes," I beamed at his happiness, him pulling me in for a tight and loving hug.

"I can't believe this! This is incredible!" He said excitedly. "We have to tell Anne- do you think she'd care...?"

"Sebastian, she's going to be an Aunt, of course she'd care," I cupped his cheek and pulled him in for a comforting kiss.

"This is incredible, I can't believe it, we're going to be parents! I'm going to have a family, I'm going to have children!"

"I am so relieved you're happy about this," I let out a sigh of relief.

"Why wouldn't I be happy about it? I've wanted children since we got together, in fact I've wanted to be a father since my parents died but I figured I was too young then," he said and the two of us laughed. "Do you like the name Isabelle, for a girl? Marcus for a boy?"

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