17: Sebastian Sallow - Another Story

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House: Ravenclaw

 The sun was setting over Hogwarts casting a beautiful orange glow all over the grounds. My boyfriend, Sebastian Sallow, and I laid on the grassy hill near the Care of Magical Creatures classroom, our hands interlocked as we silently watched the sun set behind the turrets of the castle.

I turned to him and smiled at the small smile on his face and the calming nature radiating from him, something which was rare after last years events. He was desperate to restore Anne's health that he was blinded by the dark side, not realising how horrid the magic he was using was until it was too late.

I was shocked when I witnessed Solomon's death. I had never warmed to the man and I knew Sebastian strongly disliked him, but I never expected him to use the killing curse. Since then Anne had barely spoken to him, and had even fled Feldcroft leaving Sebastian a letter. They had corresponded a few times but not nearly enough as Sebastian wanted. Not only that but Ominis had never been the same since the event. For me however, it somehow brought me closer to Sebastian as he realised the error and was trying to right his wrongs, and I was there to help him.

There were times he'd break down, but he was still prideful so he only seemed to do it in private when we were together. I hated when he went through these moments of emotional turmoil but I was glad that I could be the one to be beside him and comfort him. We could sit in silence just holding each other and sometimes that was all Sebastian needed to feel calm again. After all, actions speak louder than words.

He squeezed my hand tighter as we laid in the brown, autumnal grass, the sun having now almost disappeared behind the mountains beyond the infamous school. I glanced to him to see he was already looking at me with a small smile. "Everything okay?" I asked softly and he nodded.

"Everything's perfect. I just want to lay here, and grow old with you. Never leave your side," he whispered, his smile radiating onto me.

"You think about stuff like that?"

"About a future together? All the time. I want to live somewhere in a small cottage, far away from anyone who can tell us what to do. Somewhere we can swim in the deepest seas and run through the vastest of fields. I want us to be able to be our own people. To go anywhere we want. To be whoever we want with no one to stop us," he said, putting one hand behind his head. I thought about his words and realised it was finally time.

"C'mon," I said, standing up.

"Where are you going?"

"We are going someplace special. Follow me," I instructed, pulling him along back to the castle.

"Do I at least get a clue?" He asked.

"Okay. It's a Hogwarts secret... you may have heard of it. It's a place where all things are, and a place where nothing is. If you ask you'll never know. If you know you need only ask."

"...What?" Sebastian was more confused than ever and I couldn't help but laugh. Being a Ravenclaw I spent a lot of time with Helena, and despite her rarely opening up to people she felt something special in me. She was fond of riddles, and that was one of her favourites. Sebastian kept badgering me with questions and I continued to give him cryptic answers until finally we were in the seventh floor corridor, looking at the blank wall. "You brought me to stare at a wall?" He questioned, clearly confused.

"Just wait a moment," just as I spoke the door began to appear, the stone crumbling around it. Sebastian stared in utter surprise as the door grew and grew until we were able to step in. Casually I opened the door and invited him in. "Welcome to the Room of Requirement."

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