16: Ominis Gaunt - The Facade

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Note: the reader IS NOT the Hogwarts Legacy mc

House: Gryffindor

 It was breakfast time in the Great Hall and I sat with my best friend, Cressida Blume, her scouring over all of her charms books whilst my attention was held elsewhere. I was preoccupied with a certain someone on the Slytherin table, that person being Ominis Gaunt. I had been attracted to him for close to two years now, it first being a silly crush in year four but during year five when the new student came I realised just how strong my feelings were as I remembered feeling immensely jealous of the time they were spending together. It seemed like they were so effortlessly close, and I was scared it was too close.

Now we were half way through sixth year and nothing had happened between them so I hoped they were just friends. That was something Cressida had tried to tell me repeatedly, her being one of the only ones to know my secret. The other was Leander, my twin brother. He caught me staring at Ominis once and panicked, thinking I was staring at his rival, Sebastian. I had to confess to stop him from getting angry and he sighed, accepting that Ominis was okay.

It was the hooting of owls overhead that shook me from my trance, and I saw many fly in dropping letters and parcels off to their owners. I saw one of the Daily Prophets owls drop the infamous newspaper next to Cressida, this newspaper being the only thing that distracted her from her charms. "Hm... Spavin is set to be re-elected," she read the main headline and I hummed, not caring for politics. I instead distracted myself with food whilst she flicked through the paper.

Occasionally my eyes wandered up to Ominis who was smiling with his friends Sebastian and Zelda. I wished to know what they were talking about but I was merely acquaintances with them, I was a naturally timid person anyway and I'd consider them my friends but I wasn't sure they'd reciprocate. It made me jealous when someone made him smile, as I wished it was me that was the cause of it. "Ah, the personal columns!" Cressida said happily and I rolled my eyes. She was a bit of a wallflower but a stickler for gossip.

Suddenly however she slammed the newspaper shut and rolled it up quickly. "Cressida?" I caught her attention.

"Yes! It's nothing- don't worry!" She was acting very odd.

"What's wrong? Did you read something?" I asked, reaching for the newspaper but she pulled it away.

"Nothing interesting... anyway! Lets finish breakfast and head to class!" She tried to act chirpy but there was something so obviously wrong.

"Cressida," I said a little firmer but she wafted her hand and tucked the paper into her robes.

"Eat up! We've got Defence Against the Dark Arts first!" She buttered me a slice of toast and put it on my plate.

"Er- thanks," I was confused but decided to play along, making a mental note to check the newspaper later on. We headed to class, Leander joining us for the walk.

"(y/n), are you alright?" He asked comfortingly, it being rare to see him act this way.

"I'm fine, why?" I asked, confused.

"Didn't you see the Proph-,"

"Ahem!" Cressida pretended to cough, catching our attention.

"What is wrong with you? You've been acting strange since the post arrived," I huffed.

"Nothing, nothing," she tried wafting my words away.

"Sorry Leander, what were you saying?" I turned back to my twin.

"It's okay, it's not important," and he too began acting weird. I glanced between the two of them and shrugged it off, entering the classroom and sitting at my desk next to my twin. Hecat began the lesson and now that we were entering our NEWTs it seemed she was able to take the classes up a level, so she was teaching us the spell confringo as well as allowing us to actually practise it.

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