3: Ominis Gaunt - The Stupid Letter

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Note: the reader IS the Hogwarts Legacy mc

House: Hufflepuff

 "Sebastian! Get back here!" I yelled, shouting at one of my best friends whom I was chasing through the empty, cold halls of Hogwarts. "Give it back!"

"'Dear Ominis'," Sebastian began reading the letter I was trying to get back from him, and he was annoyingly outrunning me. "'I hope you're having a wonderful Christmas. I miss you so much already, Hogwarts isn't the same without you'."

"Shut up!" I shouted, desperate to get back the letter. We rounded a corner but halted quickly as Professor Weasley stood before us, her eyebrow arched.

"I know it is the Christmas holidays and there are only a small group of students staying over the break, but please refrain from rule-breaking as once term starts again you can be given detention for events happening now," she said firmly.

"Yes Professor Weasley," Sebastian and I said at the same time. She nodded, confident she had made her pointed before walking away. "What a way to put a downer on things," Sebastian muttered and I took this time to snatch my letter to Ominis from him.

"If you'll excuse me I'm heading to the owlery to post this letter," I said with a hmph. Sebastian and I were staying over at Hogwarts for our sixth year Christmas holiday; me because I had no family to return to, only an orphanage that didn't care for me after they learnt I was a witch, and Sebastian because Anne still had difficulty coming to terms with what happened during fifth year. He'd visit her occasionally and planned to spend Christmas Day with her, but she was still unsure about being in his company all the time. I was surprised that Sebastian was okay with it however, but I had a feeling it was because Anne agreed to seeing him in any capacity - he was worried for a while she'd want nothing to do with him.

Staying at Hogwarts for Christmas was immense fun as there were only ten other students staying so it felt like we had the whole castle to ourselves. We'd spend time exploring places we wouldn't usually, we'd sneak into restricted areas of the castle without being caught however the only downside was that Ominis wasn't here to enjoy it with us.

Ominis was immensely special to me, as not only was he a close friend but I was completely head over heels in love with him. Despite trying to hide my feelings many people guessed at them, so it wasn't necessarily a secret but Ominis remained oblivious. I had a feeling that because of his dark history and family problems he felt as though he shouldn't be loved.

His family was one of the reasons I was currently worried about him. He'd usually spend Christmas in Feldcroft, but last years events stopped him from doing so. Now he had been summoned home by his family yet again, and I couldn't help but wonder why. "Aw come on (y/n), you know I was only teasing," Sebastian said as we trudged up the icy steps to the Owlery.

"I know but it kind of hurts. I know nothing will happen between Ominis and me; either he's too oblivious or he doesn't feel the same which is fine, I can't force his feelings. I just want him to know that if I'm not there as his girlfriend, I'll at least be there as a friend," I said somewhat sadly and Sebastian sighed.

"You're right. Sorry (y/n)," he muttered, him having become so much more self-aware.

"It's alright. Why don't we go to Hogsmeade, Zonko's has a new line ready for Christmas," I said and he smiled. The owl carrying my letter flew away and together we headed to Hogsmeade.

- Timeskip -

I was a little paranoid as I hadn't heard a response from Ominis. Usually he was quick to reply to my owls, so I wondered if the charm I had set for it to be read aloud had failed in some way, despite me being very good at the charm as I had used it many times. The winter feast began and I sat at the Hufflepuff table looking out for Ominis as the students that had been away for Christmas filed into the Great Hall. I looked out for my friend and crush and was shocked to see him from a distance, his arm linked with Nerida Roberts who took him to the Slytherin table and sat with him close.

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