4: Sebastian Sallow - The Bludger

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Note: the reader IS NOT the Hogwarts Legacay mc

House: Gryffindor

 When Professor Black reinstated Quidditch after the awful events of last year with Ranrok and the death of Professor Fig, the whole castle celebrated. Everyone became ten times more competitive including myself, who was a Gryffindor chaser. I adored quidditch with every fibre of my being and was desperate to take Gryffindor to victory, but my best friend and crush Sebastian Sallow was a beater for Slytherin and he was just as eager to claim the cup for his house. "There's no way you're going to win Sallow, our team is obviously the superior one," I teased as we walked to Defence Against the Dark Arts.

"As if! Your beaters are terrible in comparison to me," he said proudly, putting his hands on his hips.

"Yeah right, you couldn't hit the bludger with the bat even if it was as big as a quaffle," I nudged him playfully. "I'm going to take Gryffindor to victory if it's the last thing I do."

"You're going to be rather disappointed then, when I take the cup for Slytherin," he smirked, nudging me back.

"Would you two stop?" Ominis blurted out behind us. "If you want to flirt with each other I request that you do not do it in front of me!"

"We're not flirting!" Sebastian and I said at the same time and Ominis rolled his sightless eyes. Situations like this were common - Sebastian and I playfully teasing each other, touching each other and having inside jokes. Ominis wasn't the only one who accused us of flirting however, as my close friend Natty was always on my case about it, although she was a lot less blunt than Ominis.

I did have feelings for Sebastian, something which a few people had guessed and people claimed that he also had feelings for me due to his behaviour around me but I didn't want to get any hopes up by confusing friendly banter with possible flirtatious remarks. Plus I enjoyed our friendship and that was something I daren't risk.

- Timeskip -

I lined up with my fellow Gryffindors in the tunnel leading to the quidditch pitch, hearing the loud cheers from beyond. It had been so long that excitement flooded through my body at the realisation that we were playing again. I felt someone's eyes on me and I turned back to see Sebastian staring at me, a devilish smirk on his face. "I'm winning this," he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Sallow! Concentrate!" Imelda hit his shoulder and I laughed. Madam Kagawa blew her whistle and we walked out onto the pitch seeing a sea of red and green - the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws clearly divided about who they should support. We mounted our brooms and flew high into the air, warming the crowd up by flying around.

"You ready to loose?" I shouted to Sebastian, stopping next to him.

"Is that what you said to yourself in the mirror this morning?" He teased. I grabbed his bat and hit his head playfully. "Hey!"

"Players line up!" Madam Kagawa called out and we flew in formation to the centre of the pitch.

"Don't you dare do anything that would cost us this game Sallow," Imelda hissed at Sebastian, before joining the circle of Chasers. Kagawa threw the quaffle in the air, blew her whistle and it was a race to catch it, one which Imelda won. There was no surprise, she was the best chaser in the school, and the player our beaters marked the most. Leander however had other ideas, and had a habit of targeting Sebastian due to his dislike for my crush.

Despite Imelda being talented, I was fast. I was almost given the role as seeker, but scoring suited me better. It didn't take long for me to punch the quaffle from Imelda's grip, me and our other two chasers speeding along the pitch throwing it between ourselves to evade Slytherin's grip. Our coordination was probably the best out of the four Hogwarts teams, and it wasn't long before I threw it through one of the hoops earning us the first points of the game.

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